Chapter 4

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- FYI - This story is for fictional purposes only. I just want to take the time now to say that Austin Carlile is a beautiful human being with a big heart. Once again, this story is for fictional purposes only. Enjoy.



I burst through the school doors, clutching at my chest, it felt like my heart was about to burst through.

".. Kellin? What's wrong??"

"Nothing, I just need to get to class!"

"Kellin stop." Austin's hand wrapped around my wrist, squeezing.

"Let go!!!" his brown eyes widened at the tone in my voice, "Kellin..."

"Going to class." I slid my hand out of his and hurried down the hallway out of the back entrance of the school. I don't know where I'm even going but I just want to get out of here.

"Kell!!" Jesse turned the corner immediately spotting me.

"Hey." I looked down, kicking the dirt beneath me.

"You okay?"

"Perfect." I started walking

"School isn't done yet dude?"

I stopped, turning to face him, "I just don't feel good, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled, hoping he'd just accept that and leave me be but I guess when you're friends with someone for so long, they just know but I turned and walked on anyway. I heard Jesse sigh as I stepped further away. The quickening of his foot steps told me he was trying to catch up.

"What happened?"


Jesse stepped in front of me, I could feel my patience thinning.

"Dude seriously."

"Just tell me?"

"I don't know.."


"I don't know."

"What do you mean?" I shrugged, I don't know how else to explain how I'm feeling right now... But I guess to be completely honest, I'm lost.

Jesse's eyes looked back at me, amused. Pursing his lips, he let out a bit of a laugh. "Is it Vic.. Or Austin?"

I shook my head, "Stop it." I pushed past my ginger friend, making sure I moved fast enough and didn't look back.

If it means anything, I actually do feel a bit nauseous.


I know that there's something there. I knew that within the first hour.. But it scares me to think that someone could care for about me like I do about them..

After walking for a couple hours, I found myself sitting on the edge of a cliff, overlooking that big blue ocean. The waves crashed up against the rocks, almost as if they were trying to escape too.

I took another swig JD as I breathed in the warm salty air.

"So you like him then? Don't you?"

I chucked. "Probably."

"Are you drunk?!" I heard the disgust in his voice.

But I laughed again anyway, "Probably." I lifted the bottle of Jack Daniels, almost as if giving him cheers for guessing right.

We let the silence succumb over us, mainly because I couldn't think of anything to say.

Looking up at the navy blue sky, seagulls caught my eye as they soared over me.

"Okay I've had enough, let's go."



I said NO"

Arms wrapped around me, hoisting me to my feet. Suddenly, I didn't feel so hot.

"Let me go.."

"I'm taking you home."


"You STUPID kid!" he let me go, shoving me all to roughly.

I felt my stomach starting to knot up, "I'm not stupid.."

He smirked, "Look at you! You're siting up here, all alone, getting smashed over some idiot you barely even know."


"or what?"

Taking in a sharp breath, I looked him dead in the eye, "I don't want to see you anymore."

"What? You're breaking up with.. me?"


Austin's face turned red, his fists balling up, "WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HIM KELLIN"

My knees went felt weak as I tried to stand my ground.

I don't know why but every time someone yells at me, all I want to do is cry. "go.." my voice was barely audible. "We're done."

"Fuck you Kellin."

I nodded slowly as I waited for him to leave.

And maybe that was a bad idea.

It was all a blur as I watched my now ex boyfriend walk up and spit in my face. "You'll never amount to anything." he hissed in my face as he leaned down and gently kissed my forehead. "you need me anyway Kellin."

He turned on his heels and left me alone..

He has this power over me, that even I don't understand.

And the hell that I'm in for now can't even compare to the hell I was in when we were together..

So I turned on and headed towards the cliff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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