Chapter 2

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“I don’t think you really understand..”

“Understand what..?”

“What it’s like..”

I stayed quiet, hoping he’d finish. He dropped eye contact, lip quivering.


“What it’s like to be the only one in this school of my kind.”


“I know, Vic.”

“No. You don’t. Your kind? What exactly is your kind? Because you look human to me. You have all the same emotions and you have dreams and aspirations just like every other human being. I mean, if by your kind you mean, sweet, sensitive and amazing, then yeah, you’re the only one like that in this school. But if you’re refferring to the fact that you like boys, then just, stop there and shutup.” I sassily took a bite of my sandwich.


“Nooooono. Stop there. Darling. You’ll be okay.”

I’ve only known Kellin about a week now, but I already feel like I’ve known him for years. It sucks to see him so down.

Kellin smiled and nibbled on his carrot.

Hey!! Vic, are you busy after school?”

Taking another mouth full of my lunch, I shook my head.

“Yay! Want to come over after school? Chill?”


“Ew Vic!”

I laughed. covering my mouth.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Austin walked into the cafeteria. He was whispering something to some ginger kid. I glared at them.

“Just ignore them.”

“If they do anything to you, I swear-“

“You’ll get suspended and that’d suck.”

I went to argue more, but Kellin shushed me.

A few seconds passed.

“So. I noticed you’re always writing in that book..”


“Well, what do you write about?”

“Just lyrics. But they aren’t really good.” He stared off in the distance.

I slowly nodded. Stealthly, I snatched Kellin’s book from him.

“VIC! Give it back!”

I smirked at him, “No.”

Swiftly, I opened it, picking a random page.

Please don’t read that..! Victor!!”

I ignored Kellin’s pleas as I got lost in his words. Suddenly the book was out of my hands. “Not cool.”

He gathered his stuff and quickly stood up.

“KeLLIN WAIT!” Grabbing my bag,I chased after him. “Look, I’m sorry but-“

“But what?” His eyes were like daggers, “Those lyrics mean a lot to me and if you’re just going to make fun of them, then.. just.. fuck off.”

A Hundred Sleepless Nights : (Kellic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz