✶ rules

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𝟏. IMPORTANT: please please please add this book to your library and join the discord! this enables you to receive a notification each time a new chapter is added. we don't want you to miss out! 

𝟐. we ask that you acknowledge and prioritize your own daily schedule! we can only invest a certain amount of time into this roleplay, and that's 100% okay. by being realistic about how much you can handle, you respect our time and lower your stress. these are meant to be fun, so be sure to speak up if you need to step away for a bit, or drop out altogether. we'll accommodate it, so no worries! communication is key.

𝟐.𝟓. as an extension of the last rule, let's keep ghosting to a minimum. due to the fast-moving nature of the main chain, it's okay to drop in and out. however, if you become disinterested in an individual chain, be sure to let the other person know. common courtesy should be upheld at all times. the first password is the following question: are fictional heroes or villains more compelling to you?

𝟑. this is a literate roleplay. for this reason, you must write at least a paragraph (about four to five sentences) for each reply. if someone writes an obscene amount and it's too much to match, you have no obligation to. however, out of respect for whoever you're chaining with, put in some degree of effort. inspiration does not always strike, so don't force yourself if you do not feel like responding immediately.

(also, proper grammar and spelling please! unintentional errors are fine, but text speech, repetitive sentences, and excessive punctuation for "aesthetic" effect will make readability difficult for everyone.)

𝟒. while making your oc, keep in mind that nobody is perfect! and that's okay, because constant perfection would make for a boring world. we're looking for unique characteristics, diverse face claims, and imperfect personality traits; don't shy away from "unattractive" features or odd quirks. and feel free to make your characters evil! some of them are, some have been wrongfully accused. strive for individuality!

𝟓. please censor cussing, we don't want our book to be taken down by the wattpad police. equally threatening is the horny police, so kindly refrain from posting sexual content in the rp. if you feel that a chain is heading in a smutty direction, take it to pms. we trust your common sense with this one. to fulfill the second password requirement, tell us if you're planning on joining your discord server (or have already done so.)

𝟔. lastly, remember to have fun! if a role you wanted is already taken, don't fret! more roles may come open later. don't complain, first come first serve my dudes. also, if you don't see a role that you want, always feel free to request one! and please, don't be upset if you are not picked for something. there is always next time. ❤️

and as always, respect the admins! if there are any problems going on, or anything we should know about, always feel free to shoot this account a dm and we'll do our best to handle it!

and as always, respect the admins!  if there are any problems going on, or anything we should know about, always feel free to shoot this account a dm and we'll do our best to handle it!

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there are two passwords within the rules.
comment them below to proceed.

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