EP. 132 - MATT

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DESPITE HER BEST EFFORTS, Becca's early life of deprivation and fear still weighed heavy on her psyche. Though it was years ago, she needed no help remembering the challenges that humans and hybrids suffered beyond Prosperity's border, and her memories could be sparked by something as simple as the sound of running water. So she fully understood what was in store for Matt if he were to be cast out of Prosperity.

In those outside settlements, fresh food was a rarity. The large portion of farm equipment had never been converted to solar and battery power, and those that were became generally useless because few battery reconditioning plants remained functional on the planet. Gasoline, a throw-back to the previous century, was also in constant short supply since few of the world's refineries remained functional.

Like all newcomers, Becca knew that Matt had been sternly warned during Prosperity's initiation training about embarking on critical missteps: 'Follow the ethics and rules or risk returning to the outside.' This warning was not in jest, and she was aware of multiple instances where expulsion indeed happened.

It was five o'clock. He would be arriving soon, knocking on the door. Smiling. Caressing her in his strong arms. "Such comfort there," she considered, closing her eyes and recalling their physical closeness. "My desires for fleeting comforts, those endorphins, are working to cast aside what I must do. Don't give in, girl. You're tougher than this."

He rapped at the door.

"Becca? Are you there?"

"Just a minute!" she pleaded. Becca looked around the corner to the bottom crack of the door to Sord's room. Door closed, light on, likely studying.

"Good," she thought. "I'll coerce Matt into my bedroom. Luckily, my walls aren't connected to Sord's so the poor boy shouldn't be disturbed by emotionally charged conversations that might occur after I confront him."

Although nothing about Matt's physical appearance was genetically enhanced, his body features were naturally large. Massive hands, roughened and calloused from years of toiling on straggler farms, dwarfed her own. His bones protruded jaggedly from every segment of his body, particularly his chiseled face. Long chin. Large, high-placed cheekbones. Lobeless ears sticking out from his close-shaved head that otherwise would have been covered by black hair to match his constant five o'clock shadow.

Matt was ever-energetic. Exuberant at times. Becca liked to think he was on a path to a happy place, that he was beginning to grasp the meaning of self-actualization. Such a thing was possible for even the most damaged straggler because they were lucky enough to arrive at Prosperity, the best place on Earth, that anyone was aware.

Newcomers were no longer subjected to severe deprivations. They experienced caring and concern between all citizens, irrespective of origins or belief systems. They lived a consistent set ethical rules based on obvious truths. A simpler life. A safer life.

"Do you mind if we talk in the bedroom for a minute?" she queried after letting him in.

Matt frowned momentarily, wondering what topic was so serious that they couldn't talk right where they stood, arms around each other, in the kitchen.

"Pregnant?" he joked.

She smirked, shook her head, then grabbed his hand to lead him into the bedroom.

"Other things, then?" he continued. "Oh, you want to try to get pregnant!" he beamed, his dark eyes glaring mischievously.

Normally, his kidding was cute. Playful. Even sensual. But not this time.

"Can you sit down while we talk?" she requested, knowing this conversation would be more effective if she could look at him eye to eye, on an equal mental level.

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