Meeting my match

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I have never been afraid of the supernatural, I have always known that there is stuff out there we don't know about; I just never cared enough to look. I am moving to Bon Temps, Louisiana. There are so many rumors of vampires lurking after dark. There is this bar called 'Fangtasia', a vampire bar to be exact. You can meet your fate if you would like; never just trust anyone.
I am just inside my head because this is my 1st time being away from my hometown in Nashville, I am nervous because of the rumors of vampires but even I know that they exist. I may go to Fangtasia just to see what Louisiana has to hold. I pull into driveway my new home; it is small but it sure is beautiful. Louisiana is hot and gloomy with dark clouds covering your head and humidity makes you feel like you're drowning in it. I smile to myself. I check my watch 2:43 P.M. the time reads. Great, just enough time to get my boxes and luggage inside the home. I open my car and begin to pick up the heavy boxes filled with knick knacks and clothes from Nashville. I am at my door step getting the key to unlock my door when I hear something shuffle behind me; I look back and just see dark clouds and Autumn leaves falling to ground due it being September. I just brush the incident off and continue moving boxes inside my home. I finish around 8:45 at night. I really underestimated how much I truly packed. I had plugged in my TV, I turn on the news what to do you know it's a vampire reported incident. A young boy had been drained of all his blood and then laid to rest in a ditch. How cruel, I still wanted to go to Fangtasia. I know no-one here so there is no harm and or foul. I decided I will go; I then turn off my television and go up to my bedroom which was filled with boxes that still needed to be unpacked. I sort through box after, I finally found the box that had my dresses and makeup. I look through the box, so many different colors ranging from green to velvet reds to deep blues and purples. I finally decided a long black dress with an open back and a small slit at the ankle. I am never a heels wearer but tonight I throw on a pair of ankle heels that a very deep red color. I put my hair in a half up, half down hair style with some tight curls that make my collar bones look even longer. I put on some perfume and some fake black earrings that my mother got when I was 13 years of age. My makeup is just a dark Smokey eye and a dark purple lip. I smile to myself and grab my car keys; I head out the door. I hop into my little vehicle I read the time it's 10:34 P.M, I start my drive to Fangtasia. It's only about a 15 minute drive; I pull into the parking lot. The place is dark and has neon red LED lights and glowing signs. The Louisiana heat isn't helping anything, I get out and walk up the lady guarding the entrance. She looked older but not too old, very pale skin, long blonde-gray hair, and ocean blue eyes that are caked in heavy silver eyeshadow and black eyeliner. I see a name tag on her leather one piece she is wearing 'Pam'. "I.D, please." she says in a lower tone of voice. I nod, I reach into my wallet and grab it. I pass it to, I feel her cold hand touch my finger. "26? Cute, be careful in there. They might just find you something else." She says in a tone that freaks my out. She smirks showing her fangs, "Thank you..." I say nervously. I grab my I.D, she opens the open to the nosiest I have been too. I feel a shit ton of eyes on me, the amount of hair gel, eyeliner, and hair spray you could start a fire. It smells of blood, sweat, sex, and body spray. I make my way to the bar. A tall man comes over, you can tell that he is a vampire. "What can get you tonight?" He says with an Australian accent. "Just a whiskey please." I say. He nods and grabs the glass and fills it with the brassy liquid. He passes it to me, "On the house." I smile and nod. I pick up my drink and my way over to a table. I feel a set of eyes on me that feels powerful. I follow my gut and I find the set of eyes looking at me. He is tall, blonde, and so obviously a vampire. He has blue eyes that follow you wherever you go. It makes you feel nervous and incredibly sexy though at the same time. He notices me looking back at him, he calls me over by just moving his finger. I swallow and get up from my seat and start walking over to his seat up on stage. I reach the stairs where his seat is, I pick up my dress to where I don't step on it. He offers me his hand, I take it. His hand is colder than ice; my heels clacking under me. There is only 2 seats they are both occupied by couples tongue eating each other. I swallow once more; "Have a seat." He points to his lap. I seat down in his lap, my heels dangling from the floor. He begins to speak, "My name is Eric Northman, you are?" I nod, "I am [YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME]". He looks intently at me, "Okay, Ms. [Your Last-name], I noticed when you first walked into my bar. So curious and so innocent. Wanting to know more, you are a beautiful woman. Be careful around my kind because you will not last long. But you are special in way you don't even know about. So for that I need to that if you want me to protect you. You have something very special about you but you will get in a lot of danger. So, I am willing to protect at an exchange. I protect you for an exchange of you being the main person I call when I need help or I need back up. This is so very new but you will be in a-lot of danger if you are not protected. So, yes or no?" He says. I blink and just swallow, "Why would I be in danger? What is so special about me? I don't even know what you are talking about." I say. "Just yes or no?" He says. I don't wanna be killed or in danger so I nod yes; "This will involve us drinking each other's blood, are you okay with that?" He said. I nod once more, he says back. I hear a pop of his fangs, he turns my head to right exposing my neck. He holds on the mg thighs causing a heart beat in the middle of my core. All of a sudden, I feel 2 needle like pricks sink into my neck . I let out a sigh with a groan, it just hurts so good in a way. He is moaning and slobbering. I lean back into him, he pricks his thumb causing blood to come out. He raises it to my lips, I open and take it. It taste like coins and grass. His eye contact is so good, my undergarments are just gone at this point from how turned on I am. He takes his thumb out of my mouth. "I am officially can feel everything you feel." He says, "Great..." i chirp up.  He releases me from his grasp and I am just so tired and confused that I walk out and just start my car and go home.


Much love: R. Grace🤍

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