We Meet Again

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ERIC GODDAMN NORTHMAN! Why the hell does he have to be the one on my mind. How did he even find out where I live? I have only been in Louisiana for about 2 days. I truly can't even imagine what my life is gonna be like.
I have work in 2 hours, I get up and get in shower. I let warm water wash the sweat from the night. I wash my face and hair; I get out and dry off. I grab my uniform from my dryer, I put it and grab my apron from my kitchen counter. I double check to measure I have everything. I am just about to walk my house when I see another note. "What the hell." I say confused. I open it, it's the same damn hand writing; 'You listen very well, is what I would be saying but I would be lying. This truly your last warning leave Eric alone. If you don't I suggest you best keep all doors locked and watch your back.

Yours Truly. '

I run back inside the house and put inside the envelope with the other note. Who the hell could it be? I truly do try to not worry about it but it just weighs so heavy on my mind. I walk out to the car and start it. I walk inside Merlotte's, my mind is so busy thinking that I didn't hear Sam calling my name.

"[YOUR NAME] everything okay, you seem to be off?" He says worried, I force a smile "Yeah Sam, I am okay. Thank you." He gives a face of confusion but quickly forces a smile. I see Jason playing pool, I smile and give a wave. He smile with his beautiful eyes that seem to sparkle. Arlene comes in screaming waving her hand around; "HE PROPOSED!! HE ACTUALLY DID IT." She is so excited, I couldn't help but smile at her. I notice a huge group of rednecks walk in, they are already drunk. Sam comes out and hands me a notepad with a pen. "Be careful these guys can be trouble. So watch their hands as well." He says with concern in his voice. I nod and walk over to them, "Hello welcome to Merlotte's, how can I help you?" I say trying not to hear the nervousness in my voice. One of the guys begins to speak, slurring his words of course.

"Can I get a piece of that ass?" He and his little buddies laugh, I roll my eyes. "I'll have what he's having." One of his friends says, I gag. "Okay, so funny. Seriously what can I get you." I say. "4 beers and a fat plate of nachos." The commentator says. I write that down, I turn away to put the order that's when a hand lands on my ass. Jason comes up from the pool table and grabs the hand of the asshole. "You can't seem to keep your hands to yourself. Hmm? How about I show you to keep your hands to yourself." He says eyeing the man down. He grabs his entire and twists it so hard and then slams it into the table. You literally hear the bone pop and broke. The guy screams and runs out of the restaurant. His friends run after him, Jason laughs. I give him a huge hug, he is hesitant but returns the hug. "Thank you so much for helping me Jason." I say with a smile on my face. I pull out of the hug. He just nods and walks away. I walk away to the next table the table just carries on as normal.

I check my watch it's 11:30 PM, I clock out. I take off my apron. I wave bye to Tara, Sam, and Arlene. I walk out the my car. I panic when I hear some noises coming from the woods. I start to jog just a little bit, I hear footprints behind me. I turn into a full sprint, I am running as fast as my legs can go. I can hear the footprints slow down and then just stop. I keep sprinting until I reach my car which was out farther due to the amino of people we get each day.

I get inside my car, I slam the door. I lock all the doors, I start it. I take a deep breath. I think to myself, 'What the hell did I get myself into?'. I catch my breath and start the drive to home. I really do wanna see Eric. This man is such an asshole but yet he makes me feel things that I haven't felt before. Both good and bad. I truly love the experience but I just don't how much I can take.

I reach my home, speak of the devil it's Eric Northman on my front porch. I think to myself, 'How does he know where I live? I just wanna have one normal night.' I step out of my car, I take a deep breath.

"Hey, [YOUR NAME]. Lovely to see you again." He says smirking at me. I scoff at his arrogance, "What the hell do you want Eric? It's lovely to see you again because ironically you are my front porch again. How in the hell did you find out where I live?" I say pissed off. He smiles, "I have my ways, a magician never reveals his secrets now, does he? You just seem to forget that I can sense and feel everything you feel." He says with a smile on his face. I swallow, "Keep it to yourself Northman." I say embarrassed as all hell. "I know you like me, I can feel every desire you have." My eyes widen in embarrassment and anger, "I don't like you Northman. You are an idiot, who can seem to stay away from people who want nothing to do with you. I don't desire you at all, you are intrusive as intrusive can get. You have no right and or reason to be so nosy. You say I need protection from something I know nothing about! You won't tell me shit!." I say just letting my emotions fully take over. He laughs, "I won't tell you because you cannot and could not handle the truth because mommy and daddy fed you from a silver platter." He says fury in his eyes. Tears swell up in my eyes, a kick to the gut. "What the hell do you know about what I can and couldn't handle?! Huh Northman?! You just an arrogant vampire that has too much damn confidence in his fuck game." I say madder than ever.

His eyes grow dark, I swallow. He pushes up against the brick wall of my porch. He swallows, we make eye contact. "Well then you want to find out?" He says lust filling his voice. He slams his lips on to mine, his lips are cold but yet they do amazing things. Our mouths are fighting for dominance. My hands go around his neck, the Viking put his hand in my hair forming a ponytail. I moan into his mouth. I feel a smile come across his normally stone cold face. I pull away, that's when I see the fangs. I open the door my house. "Eric, won't you please come in." I say innocent. His eyes are straight onto mine.


This chapter is going to be a cliff hanger until next chapter. I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!

Hugs and Kisses!
R. Grace❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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