Round 2

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I wake up, I feel lightheaded and foggy. Last night was just a-lot for me to take in. What does Eric mean when he says I am in danger. Why do I need protection? I'm just want to be safe rather than sorry though, I am going back tonight. I just want to know why I'm in danger; I have only been in Louisiana for 19 hours.
I get up from my bed, my feet hit the cool wooden floor sending a cool chill down my spine. I walk down stairs, I hear a knock at my door. I open to no-one being there. I look down to see a note written in a olden time type writing, it reads: 'You want to play stupid games, win stupid prizes.' I freak the hell out, play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Who the hell left this? Could it be someone from Fangtasia? I have so many questions.

I shut my door, I walk over to an old envelope and stick the note inside, if any more notes pop I will stick them in here so I can use it as evidence for police. I just try to more on with day, I get ready. I have a job interview at a local restaurant, 'Merlottes', I get into my car and drive over to Merlotte's. I pull into the parking, it is so, so busy. You can hear the music, cars and truck fill it up so much to the point that it is spilling into the forest trail. I check how I look in the car mirror. I take a deep breath, I walk up and open the door. A lady with long fiery red hair, she had colorful bangles on and French tips; she greets me at the door. She begins to speak, "Hi, I am Arlene. You are the interview right?" "I am, also it's wonderful to meet you Arlene. I am [YOUR NAME]." I say with a smile on my face. She squeals, "Wonderful! Follow me, Sam's office is right this way." I follow her into a small hallway, we reach the end. She knocks on the door, "Sam, your interview is here." She says. She grabs my arm; "Break a fang darling, please just a break a fang. Damn blood suckers." I swallow awkwardly, "Thank you Arlene, you can go now." Sam chirps in, I didn't even notice that he had opened the door. She walks away.

I walk into his office, it's quite nice. He shuts the door, "I am so sorry about Arlene. She can be quite forward sometimes and not even notice it. So please forgive me for her. So please if you may take a seat." He says. I smile and take a seat, "Thank you for allowing to even have an interview." I chirp up. "Thank you for wanting to work here, we can always use extra help around here." He smiles and sits down at his computer. He grabs some paperwork, he hands it to me. I look over it, it's just basic information like what my birthday is, my gender information, etc. I fill it out and pass it back to Sam. "I just have a few more questions for you the we can decide if you are a good fit for Merlotte's." He says, I nod. "Okay, do you have any pass experience working in restaurants?" He asks, "I worked at a restaurant when I was 16 until I was 21." He looks deeply at me, he is very handsome I must say. He clicks his pen and writes some notes down. "Okay, this next question may throw you off but it needs to be asked. Are you afraid to serve or be around vampires?" He asks looking me deep into my eyes. "I am not afraid to serve and or be around vampires." I say with confidence, he nods and breaks eye contact. He writes so more down, he looks deep in concentration. He finally looks up, " When can you start?" He says with a smile. I jump up, "I can start right now." I say, he points to a closet. "Grab a uniform from there, I will have Sookie show you the ropes." I nod and open the closet and grab the uniform. It's a regular white tee-shirt with Merlotte's Bar and Grill on the corner, it has some black shorts and a dark green apron that just goes around your waist. He points me to the restroom, I change into my uniform.

I come out and see a short girl with blonde hair in a tight ponytail, she has chocolate brown eyes. She has a look of serious on her beautiful face, her eyes filled with worry and angry at the same time. She walks up to me, "Are you the new girl?" She asks with an annoyed tone, "I am, you must be Sookie. Sam said you would show me around." I say. "I am Sookie, you must be [YOUR NAME]." She says with a more relaxed tone of voice. "It's wonderful to meet you Sookie." We shake hands. We walk into the front of the bar, I see a beautiful girl with braids and dark skin that glows. "This is Tara, she is our bartender. Tara this is our newest girl." Sookie says. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." Tara says shaking my hand. "Lovely to meet you" I say taking her hand. We move along to the pool table area, I see a young man with beautiful eyes and dirty blonde hair. Sookie speaks, "This is my brother Jason Stack-house." I smile and reach out to shake his hand. "It's wonderful to meet you Jason Stack-house." I say smiling. He shakes my hand returning that smile, "A pleasure." We walk away from the pool table area. Sookie spends the rest of the night showing me how things work, where things are, how to run things when working a lunch and dinner rush.

Sam comes to talk to me, "You did great, you are free to go. Be here tomorrow morning at 10:45." I nod and check my watch 10:53. I grab my clothes and head the door waving goodbye to everyone. I decide to go home and get ready for Fangtasia.

I pull into my drive way, I see a tall man standing on my door step. I can't see hair color or anything due it being so dark outside. I walk carefully, "Don't be so scared it's Eric." I relax a little bit, "What the hell are you doing here Eric?" I say confused. "Well, I'm either here to fuck you or find out who wrote that note." He says smirking, "Damn you Eric, did you feel my confusion or fear or something?" I say. "I felt it this morning but I can't be out in the sun. I will quite literally burn." He says. I nod, "Why are you helping me Eric?" I say sounding helpless. "Well, you need it but I'm not trying to have another attack in Louisiana. So pretty much business." He says sounding dry and like douche bag. I tilt my head in concern, "Business? Huh? Are you dumb Eric, please just tell me what is going on." I say with desperate in my voice. He clears his throat, "You aren't ready for the truth. I don't think you ever will be but you will find out one day just not right now. You are naive for what is going. So now that the question game is over. Would you invite me in?" He says. Naive? I think the hell not. "Naive, Northman? It's either I'm naive or are you just doing something that has nothing to with me?" I say pissed off, he blinks his beautiful eyes at me. His jaw clenches, "Just right now isn't the time." He says looking down at the concrete of my porch. "So when is the right time? Hmm? You are too damn dumb Northman. You aren't coming in tonight you dumb vampire. Fuck you and your "business and concern" for me." I say with the fury of hell burning through my veins. I slam the door in his face and lock it. I peep the window of kitchen, he is gone.



Thank you for reading!
Xoxo 💋

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