Beginning of Something Old

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{ Oct. 5 Monday, 8:13

               My Name is Kaydence Skipper. I'm a 17 year old female who uses She/them pronouns. I go to what feels like a prison school in West Virginia. I have dark brown curly hair with, what I've been told, amber eyes. Not that anyone seems to notice. I'm on the tall side so the basketball coach is always on my ass. I'm not ugly per say, I like to think I'm kind of average. I live with my mom and I think my older brother. I haven't seen him in a few months but all his stuff is still here, so he'll have to come back at some point.

I have a bestfriend. Shocking honestly. She's been my only friend sense she moved here 8 years ago. Her name is Aaron. He real name's Amanda. but she likes Aaron better. She's the opposite of me in everyway. She's short has dyed red hair and crystal blue eyes. I swear if you looked at her you'd think she was a model. I have to say though, she gets on my very last nerve. She says and I quote,' If only I was prettier! Then maybe he'd like me more.' I almost ripped my ear off. She's so oblivious. 'He' can't take his eyes off her. I say give it a month and they'll be together and planning a wedding.

I'm not jealous of her per say. I just envy her. Wish I was like her, a main protagonist. I'm not. Obviously. It seems as though everything I do has to do with her. Hell. I only went to this stupid high school because she was. I don't do anything for myself. I don't know how. I wonder if it's the same for her. Am I all she thinks of? I'd hope so. But then again, I know that won't be the case. She's too focused on Dante. Her 'Lover Boy', as she likes to call him. That and she has some family issues that only I know of. It's kind of cliché if you ask me. Badass girl with mommy and daddy issues, falls in love with Mr. Rich and Popular. Boring and old. It's almost like a story and I'm the friend she forgets afterwards. Lovely.

                                                                                      Regretfully,                                                                                                                                   Kaydence Skip. }


I close my notebook (which is really a diary, but I refuse to call it such). I see Aaron rush over to me almost tripping. I snicker at her clumsiness. She groans at me in an attempt to shut me up. Doing so only made laugh louder. I calmed down as I noticed her ears turning red.

"Thanks for the help Skippy", she says in a sour tone.

"Sorry, are you okay?", I ask slightly worried I had upset her. I tried to play off the worry by smiling slightly.

"You should smile more.", She said rather bluntly.

I felt my neck heat up. Only she could have that sort of effect on me. I hate that.

"Please shut up, and put your bag away.", I say to change the topic after seeing she still had her backpack on.

"Hah! Fine fine. Change of topic.. Oh! My weekend was insane!", She started to ramble on about the last 48-55 hours we hadn't seen each other. 

I like listening to her speak. But she has a tendency to repeat things. She had already texted me about her weekend the night before while I was asleep. I read it of course, so I already knew what she was going to say. Because of this I started to daydream a bit. I started wondering what her life was really like. At school she's always so happy. But on the weekends she always calls me crying at least once. I always tell her to come over but she always says she's fine. I wish she would stop lying to me so much. It's starting to really get on my nerves. 

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Aaron had stop talking at first. But then I followed her eyes to see what or who she was staring at. And of course it was her 'Lover Boy'. I rolled my eyes slightly. This wasn't an odd occurrence. To be fair, it's like routine. She'll have all her attention on me then it's on him for the rest of the day.

"Y'know.. You should just go talk to him", I say softly to not startle her to badly.

Mission failed. She started going off about how it was a bad idea and that he would never like her. 

"Besides he's dating that Aubrey girl from World Studies. And from what I've heard she's not letting him go for anything.", She continued.

I hate to say it but she was right. Aubrey isn't a bully or anything, she's actually really nice. But she is possessive. Like scary possessive. I can tell she really loves Dante but Dante himself I'm not completely sure yet. He seems happy with her sometimes, but he also pushes her away a lot. I think Aaron might have a chance but I'm not going to force her or Lover Boy into it. Not unless I'm asked to that is. 

"You never know. Maybe they'll have a bad fight. You can clearly see tension between them.", I state to try and make Aaron feel a bit better.

"Maybe.. I still wish Aubrey wasn't in the picture..", She said quietly.

I could tell she was getting really down because of this. I decided that to get her mind off of Mr. Lover boy for a while. I grab her arm and started walking away.

"Come on. Let's just get to class. We can get ice cream after school.", I say trying my best to comfort her.

"Thanks Kaydence..", She said slowly.

I know she knew I was just trying to help but she seemed almost disappointed that I was pulling her away from him. She's so love sick it makes me want to puke. 

We make our way to our first class together. We have quite a few classes together including P.E. Her very least favorite. She's often says I make it barrable. Her saying that made me think I did make her some what happy.

We sat down next to each other in the second to last row. Mathematics, one of my strong suits and the one class everyone seems to sleep through. I don't mind and neither does the teacher.  She could care less about what everyone does as long as we're quiet. Aaron is one of the people that fall asleep. I always wright down extra notes for her seeing as I'm the only one who will. The bell rings indicating that class has started and everyone left in the halls has detention or is considered late. So detention. It's annoying but also kind of funny to hear people  yell curses in the halls for being late. I get out a different notebook and pencil and get ready to take notes off of the board. 

This is going to be a very long day.


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I'm not the best writer but I do really enjoy it!

This is all for fun!


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