You've been gone so long.

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Oct. 6, Tuesday, 3:46

                Today's the same as yesterday. Aaron talks about her lover boy and I take notes sense she doesn't. Though I am surprised she actually smiled at him, so that's progress. I started hearing rumors the Aubrey and Dante broke up. It would make sense seeing as she wasn't at school today but Dante didn't really act any different. 

Aaron stayed at her house tonight sense my mom is actually coming back tonight. I was thinking of cooking lasagna...

Aaron hasn't stopped texting me sense school went out. I don't mind really, the attention is very nice.

I think my moms here. Cyaaa- 

                                                  The very cringy,

                                    Kaydence Skipper.


I walk downstairs to open the door. It's normal for mom to forget her house keys so I'm used to it. I open the door to see as expected my mom but also.. 

My brother!? I think.. maybe?

I let the both of them into the house without a word. My brother(?) walks straight to his room and locks the door. Yep that's him.

I walk to my mom, who's in the kitchen. 

"Mom..? It that-" I get cut off by a heavy sigh from her.

"Yes hun. I was gonna tell you but I thought I would surprise you. But you know we don't get along. We fought in the car so now he's all pissed. Just give him a minute to cool down." She says and leaves towards her room leaving me the most confused I've ever been.

Millions of questions fill my head. What? Where was he? Why is he back? What was the fight about? Why did he hide his face when he walked in? I thought each question throughly but found no answers.

I go to the refrigerator and started pulling out ingredients to make lasagna. I'm not the worst cook in the world seeing as my brother did teach me before he disappeared for 6 months. So I knew how to survive and make things I enjoy.


I finish dinner and plate it. I walk up to my brothers room and knock on his door. 

"Ryan? I made lasagna..." I say a tad bit embarrassed.

He opens the door and hugs me.

"Hey Kay. It's great to see you again."

I hug him back with a smile. Him and mom never got along but we were always super close. It was a great weight off my shoulders that that hadn't changed. 

"Would you like me to let you eat without mom or should I get her?"

He's silent for a moment before saying," Go ahead and tell her. Might as well try and get along for a night." He let go and walked to the kitchen. I made my way over to our moms room and knocked telling her the same thing I told Ryan.

She opened up and followed me downstairs. Clearly surprised to see Ryan.

The dinner was awkward to say the least but it was also oddly comforting. Though mom was silent Ryan and I joked and talked about a everything we could. Though he skipped past where he was for the past long months.

After eating mom said she'd do the dishes allowing me and Ryan to talk more. He had known Aaron as long as I had and the two got along nicely. I told about what had been happening lately with it all. He seemed very amused and proud of what I was doing. He then told me that he wouldn't be surprised if they ended up becoming a couple then. I couldn't help but agree.

That night we stayed up until at least 3 talking. It's amazing to have him to talk to again.


The next day I was a bit late but the teacher liked so didn't make a big deal out of it. Aaron was confused but I told her I'd tell her a lunch. 

The day went on as normal until when I remember Aaron was being tutored by lover boy this evening! A smile grew across my face at the thought. I was truly happy with what I had done. Aaron came over soon after and I told her almost everything that happened.

I left out the fight and awkwardness though. And that Ryan and I had talked about her. She didn't need to know yet.

Lunch went on well until she asked about our tutoring session.

"We're still going to the library right?"

"Well- you know how I haven't seen Ryan in a long time so we were gonna go out !" I see her smile slowly turn in to a fake one. I quickly finished my thoughts," But! I did get someone to help you out! I'm sure you two will get along great and if not I can go back to  tutoring you. Just promise you meet up with this person, okay?" I ask with hopeful eyes.

She sighs and agrees. I side hug her and tell her to cheer. God knows she'll thank me later.


I was wrong.

I was very very wrong.

The session ended and I got a call from Aaron assuming she'd be happy I answer with a smile on my face.

"How was it..?" I say in a teasing tone. That smile I was wearing disappeared in seconds.


She then rants to me about how embarrassed she is and angry she was. But after a good 10 minutes she mutters out a quiet 'thank you'.

"..what?" To say I was confused was an understatement. Two seconds ago she was screaming at me and she's saying thank you???

"I had a lot of fun and actually got everything done. He said he'd like to tutor me again.." I let out relived sigh as she starts telling me what happened.

A good hour and a half  later she falls asleep. I end the call and decided to do the same. Not without brushing my teeth though. Dental hygiene is very important to this family.

As I fall asleep I hear a hushed whisper from downstairs. I get up and listen from behind my door.

"She deserves to know where her big brother was!"

"And she will, on my time! It's hard to tell someone about this okay!? She didn't even know I was depressed!"

"Will you quiet down!? She might hear you!"

I slowly move from my door. It made sense now. Why I didn't know where he was. He was sick. I slowly walk into the hall and to Ryan's room. I creak open the door and turn on the light. I look to the carpeted floor and see red stains. I feel my face pale. I close the door and go back to my room. 

I wish I didn't know.

I don't fall asleep for a while. More questions filling my brain. I don't remember falling asleep but I know it's after 4. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.


(1188 words!)

Two in one dayyy!

Hoping to write more frequently!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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