Mr. Lover Boy

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Math had finished about an hour ago, and we were on our way to our last classes. While we have most of our classes together we don't for our last one. I had chemistry and she was taking a photoshop class. We made it to my class and said our goodbyes.

"Remember! Ice cream after school!", I said with a very small smile. 

"I'll see you at your locker.", She said with a wave. 

I had a feeling she was still thinking of Lover Boy, but there wasn't much I could do. She didn't want to make a move and made sure the both of us never talked to him. Today though I wanted to change that. Normally I wouldn't be so bold but Aaron seemed really down. In a moment of adrenalin I walked into my Chem. class and looked for Lover Boy. He was sitting by himself most likely cause he got into another fight with his bestfriend, Nick. I wasted no time and rushed to sit next to him.

"Can I talk to you?!", I say quickly before I chicken out.

He looked at me almost confused but after a second or two just staring at me he released who I was.

"You're Aaron's friend.. Right?", He said still unsure.

"Yes. You know her?", I say in an attempt to seem clueless. 

Truth is I know he knows her because I've heard him talk about her to his friends while I'm on the track and he has soccer. He isn't the quietest whisperer. His friend make fun of him all the time when Aaron and I are around.

"Uhm- Yeah. I do.", He said cautiously, " Do you need something that involves her?"

I could tell he was becoming interested in what I had to say, but to be honest I didn't know what I was actually going to ask him. I need to come up with something quickly. But what do I say without giving Aaron away? 

"Well, you're good at Mathematics. Correct?"

"Yeah. What's that have to do with anything?" He asked confused once again.

"Aaron's been having a hard time with math lately. I would help tutor her but I don't really have the time right now. Would you tutor her for me?", I ask smiling slightly at the end of my last sentence, trying my best to be friendly.

He looked at me for a second then turned to think. He was about to answer me when the bell rang. Our teacher yelled at us to quiet down and to pay attention. This definingly wasn't going how I had planned. Just as I was about to get out my notebook he slid me a note. 

'Sure. Just tell me what day and the time.' Then looked like it was written like a 7 year old but I was too excited to care. I wrote down a time for two days from now, knowing Aaron was going to be tutored by me in the library on Wednesday. I gave him back the note, smiled, and continued getting out my notebook and pencil.


When the last bell rang I quickly got my things together and left. I really did not want to talk to Lover Boy at the moment. I was truly embarrassed that I had been so bold and went straight up to him. But at the same time I was super happy for Aaron!

I hope she isn't too angry I broke my promise. I mean it's for my well being! I can't stand hearing her talk and complain about him anymore.

I ran to my locker to grab my bag and phone. I had a message. It's just my mom..

"Hey my dear! I'll be working a bit late! Had to cover a shift. I left some money on the counter so you can get a pizza or whatever you'd like. Love you! x"

I sigh slightly. Not surprised. She's too nice for her own good. My thoughts were interrupted by a slap on the back of my head. I whipped my head around to see Aaron.

"That hurt! How'd you even reach my head?" I say with a smug smile.

"Ha ha. So funny. Now let's go! I want my ice cream." 

"You are a child.." I say under my breath.

She gives me a pointed look signaling she heard me. Oops.


As I was paying for our ice cream I notice I've lost Aaron. I quickly pay and look for her. To my surprise I see her and lover boy. 

'This'll be fun' I thought.

I decided to just let her talk to him. I managed to take a few bites of her ice cream as well. She probably won't notice. After a good few minutes she comes redder than a cherry tomato. I gave her a look, but it seemed she was too embarrassed to say anything. I make a mental note to ask later on.

After about 10 minutes her face went back to her normal shade and I asked her if she'd want to come over. I don't know why I asked she was just gonna follow me anyway. 

We head out of the ice cream parlor and towards my old pickup truck. It's probably my favorite thing I own. Though it needs a paint job badly. Once in and seated I decided to pop the question.

"So... I say you and lover boy. What happened..?" I ask in a questioning tone.

She once again turns red and say," I ran into him when I went to the bathroom.. He said he'd like to talk outside. He asked me if I would be at his game.I said yes in like the most annoying voice possible." She says covering her face.

I let out a relieved sigh. Thank god he didn't tell her. 

"Haha! With the way you came into the shop I thought he had tried to kiss you!" I laugh out.

She turns her head towards the window and becomes as red as her hair. She whispers a small,' I wish' and pulls out her phone. I don't take it personal and just drop the subject. I can't wait for Wednesday..


(1038 words!)

This chapter took a very long time, sorry!

I lost my laptop charger and didn't have another. 

It's all good now!


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