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That morning, Ruby had woken up next to Prince Ben and she knew, regardless of what happened today, that would never happen again. Prince Ben would soon be King Ben and, more importantly, he wouldn't want to wake up next to her after what she was going to do today.

Ben had been whisked away by a team of stylists and Ruby had snuck back to her own room. She didn't need a team; she just needed an Evie to be assured she'd look stunning. Evie and her didn't talk much. Evie had simply given her a soft, reassuring smile and set to work. The dress she'd made Ruby was a two-piece dress, with a red, lace bodice with a high neck and a skirt that went from red to black at the bottom. The front of the dress was slightly higher than the back, where it reached the ground. Paired with the matching red heels and Evie's stunning make-up, Ruby truly felt like a Princess, one belonging in Auradon. How ironic that at the end of the day that'd mean nothing.

After a quick hug from both Evie and Mal, Ruby had been escorted to the carriage awaiting her and Ben to take them on a ride through Auradon with as final destination the castle, where Ben would be crowned king.

Ben was already waiting for her and began smiling as soon as his eyes landed on her. "You look stunning." He took her hand and kissed the back of it as Ruby gave a tiny curtsy. There were cameras all around them, she'd have to be formal around their almost-King.

Ruby managed a convincing smile. "And you did your hair." Ben chuckled and Ruby tilted her head to the side, wondering out loud, "How long before it turns messy, do you think?"

Ben guided her towards the carriage and helped her in before joining her, the carriage setting off afterwards. "I don't think it will last long enough to reach the castle."

"You must be your stylist's biggest nightmare." Ben laughed and nodded in agreement. He was sure she was right. Ruby smiled and shook her head, "I finally found a flaw and it's something you have no control over. I don't know how you do it, Beastie." She occasionally waved at the crowds as she spoke and so did Ben.

Ben was grinning and looked her way, "I know what you're doing."

"And what's that?" Ruby frowned.

"Distracting me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Thank you." Ben kissed the back of her hand and Ruby smiled. Ben knew she was trying to distract him because Ruby hated small talk, even with him. Admittedly, she was teasing him, but in the end it was small talk and Ruby was not good at it one bit. Still, she was doing it and Ben was grateful for the distraction. He had been nervous, and it helped. "Ruby, would you wear my ring?"

"Your hands are twice the size of mine, Beastie." Ruby shook her head in amusement, holding her petite hand next to Ben's large, strong one. The stark difference was almost comical. She would've made a joke about it if it weren't for the fact that she loved it when his hand enveloped her own and held it securely.

Ben just smiled and slipped the ring he wore on his ring finger onto Ruby's thumb. Ruby snorted because it looked huge, but then she smiled and pecked his cheek because she did appreciate it, even if she didn't think she deserved it.

They arrived at the castle to loud cheers and, with Ben's hand holding hers, they ascended the stairs to where Adam and Belle stood. Ruby suddenly remembered the day before and its fiasco, a memory that had mostly slipped her mind since her thoughts were on a constant loop of 'What to do? What to do? Grab the wand? Or don't? What to do?'

It hadn't only been Ben who she'd been distracting back in the carriage. Now, she wasn't sure what to do while facing the current King and Queen.

Luckily, Belle did, "You look stunning, dear." She grabbed Ruby's hands and admired her dress. Ruby smiled, somehow happy that Belle wasn't upset.

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