Chapter 2

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The streets were bustling with people as they all scrambled to get their food, "geez," a woman cried as she complained to her friend. "What's the current Queen doing?! At least the former Queen was better at keeping her people happy." her friend alarmed at her tone quickly dragged her to an alleyway.

"Shhh!" her friend said as she looked around cautiously, "what if the Queen's guards heard you?! You could get killed for insulting the ruler!" the woman was about to retort when Minako aka. Venus appeared behind them listening to their talk.

"So," Venus said as she clenched her fist, "this is what the queen is doing killing all those people." the two women gasped as they whirled around at Venus who only raised an eyebrow. They stepped back as they noticed the pictures of the Sailor Senshi and the dethroned royal family on the wall, "don't be scared!"

"A-are you?" the first woman said as she tentatively approached Venus, "Sailor Venus?" Venus nodded her head with a smile and the two women smiled brightly. "Please you have to help us!"

"What do you mean?" Venus asked as she regarded the two women before her, "is the current Queen treating you badly?"

"Yes!" the first woman cried as she lowered her head, "she's gathering men forcefully from their homes to serve in the military." Venus stayed quiet but her eyes widened.

"What?!" Venus said as she stepped back in horror, "you mean she's taking boys who have no intention of joining the army?"

"Yes," the second woman said as she too cried, "she doesn't care if they're sick or too young, as long as she has an army loyal to her only she'll never stop." Venus clenched her fist before pulling up her cloak to cover up her bright yellow hair.

"Do not lose hope," Sailor Venus said as she gave a warm smile, "we will do everything in our power to help you all because we are the Sailor Senshi's protecting the people of Crystal Tokyo."

Walking swiftly and undetected Venus arrived at the hideout to the shock of Sailor Jupiter and Uranus, "your back quickly," Jupiter noticed as she turned back to the meal. "Anything you learned?"

"Yes," Venus said as she hung the coat on the hanger, "but I think this is something everyone should hear."

Soon everyone including the hidden royal family arrived in the living room waiting for the news Venus was going to bring them, "I was out in the streets today." Venus started as she explained what she heard and saw. "I met two women in an alleyway talking behind the current Queen's back, after helping them I learned that the current Queen is amassing young boys and teens."

"Are you sure?" Sailor Mars said as she blinked, "did you hear them correctly?"

"No I'm serious," Venus said as she turned to Serenity and Endymion, "it seems that Akito is brainwashing the boys in order for them to be completely loyal to her."

"Brainwashing?!" Neptune exclaimed as she and Uranus looked at each other in horror, "so she's been using Chaos' power for evil." Serenity sighed as she looked towards the window.

"The poor boys," Serenity said as she looked at her hands, "if only I had the ability to help them."

"You can Serenity," Saturn said as she stood beside Venus her purple eyes hiding nothing, "once you've regained the crystal, you will rise against Chaos and win back the throne."

"You think so?" Serenity said as she gave a hopeful look towards her senshis, "this is all my fault, if only I'd taken care of individual needs maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"No," Endymion said as she held Serenity's hand, "you've been doing wonderfully, and even if you did nothing would have changed."

"You are our light Serenity," Sailor Uranus said as all the senshis stood up and bowed towards her, "so don't lose hope because we the Sailor Senshi's will give our everything to support you, my queen." 

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