Chapter 1

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"Aren't you excited Natalia? You're finally going to start your journey of being a Pro!"

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"Aren't you excited Natalia? You're finally going to start your journey of being a Pro!"

Natalia heard Rumi's question but didn't reply. Her mind was too flooded with anxious thoughts and worst-case scenarios to process whatever point her sister was rambling on. She had been accepted to the notorious high school through recommendation and it was her first official day.

"Earth to Natalia? Did you hear me?"

Shaking her head she turned back to her older sister who simply looked down at her with a cheeky grin.

"Sorry what?"

Laughing softly, Rumi grabbed the empty plate in front of the younger girl and continued doing the dishes.

"I said you need to control that nervous tick of yours especially if your gonna go pro. I was worried you were gonna kick a hole through the floor", she said, gesturing down at the young girl's foot that was tapping at a rapid pace.

Natalia's face flushed as she crossed her legs and turned away. "It's not a nervous tick okay? I'm just excited to get going". It was in fact a nervous habit of hers that she's had since she was a kid. It was so bad at one point Rumi would call her Thumper to try and get her to stop.

"If you say so kiddo, but speaking of which you better get a move on. It's not a good look to be late on your first day".

Natalia looked at her phone and seeing she had six minutes to get to the station and ran to her room. She picked up her bookbag from the desk and gave the pristine decorated room a final check. After confirming she had everything she needed, she turned back to the nightstand by her bed. On the stand was the last picture she and her sister took with their parents. It had been a few years since both her mother and father had passed, they were pros that lost their lives on the job. However, knowing how much it meant to both of them pushed the two sisters to continue their legacy.

She quickly kissed the picture before heading out. This is it, from this day on I'm gonna make sure I make you guys proud, she thought as she headed back down the stairs. She grabbed her shoes from the rack and bent down to tie them before noticing two crimson feathers looping the laces for her.

"I was worried I was about to miss your big first-day bunny. I'm glad I made it in time".

Turning at the familiar voice, Natalia sprung up and tackled the winged hero. The 3rd ranking pro-hero Hawks debuted around the same time as Rumi did and the two quickly became good friends. After coming to the house a few times, Natalia began to develop a relationship with the man and looked to him as the predominant male figure in her life.

"You sure you don't want me to just fly you there? It'll be a whole lot quicker than the train", he asked gently putting the girl down and rusting her hair.

Pouting, she quickly fixed her hair back into place. "No it's fine, I don't want to draw too much attention plus you guys have morning patrols. I got this". Quickly giving both heroes a hug she headed towards the door. "BYE GUYS WISH ME LUCK", she shouted, forgetting to shut the door behind her.

The two heroes watched her figure sprint off into the distance, "We're following her till she gets to school right?", Hawks said looking back at the elder of the sisters. "Of course we are, that is if you can keep up", she replied already getting a head start by heading to the rooftop's. He chuckled at the response shooting up towards the sky to join her. 


The ride to school was brief and she had made it with a few minutes to spare. Looking up in awe at the enormous building, I'm one step closer guys, she thought as she took a deep breath and headed in. She was assigned to Class 1-A and followed the directions from the map on the first floor till she arrived in front of the classroom door. Hesitantly, she pushed open the door and surveyed the area.

The room was filled with scattered conversations among her new classmates, two which she recognized from the recommendation exam. The dual-colored hair male quietly sat at his desk waiting for class to begin while the black-haired female was talking to a girl with frog-like features. She took into account all of the faces she hadn't recognized when two voices, in particular, caught her attention.



Natalia's ears twitched in discomfort at the volume of both males as she turned to face the two. She saw a very broad blue-haired male with glasses yelling and making karate chop gestures at a figure which was covered from her view. She attempted to get a better view of the culprit in question but was stopped by a voice from behind. 

"Hey are those real or are they just a costume or something?"

Natalia turned around to face the origin of the voice and saw a spiky red-haired boy towering over her examing her ears. His face flushed when she made eye contact and he turned away quickly. "I don't mean to be rude or anything I was just curious", he said. 

She could detect the genuinely in his voice as well as his nervousness and giggled softly. "It's no problem, they are in fact real and a part of my quirk". His eyes widened at her response causing the boy to flash a beaming smile and thumbs up in return. "That's so manly!" He gestured to himself and said, "The names Eijirou Kirishima, nice to meet you!" Smiling back at him Natalia extended her hand in return. "My name is Natalia Usagiyama, I look forward to working with you!" He went to ask another question when a deep bass voice called the attention of the class.

"It took eight seconds for you all to shut up that's not going to work". The voice came from what looked to be a yellow caterpillar but Natalia quickly deducted that it was in fact the Pro-Hero Eraser Head and her new homeroom teacher. 

Natalia quickly scurried to find a seat when she saw the last available desk behind who she assumed to be the blonde that was shouting earlier, and in front of a small boy with purple balls on his head. When she walked to her seat, the smell of caramel wafted towards her nose causing her to turn towards the blonde whose gaze had already been fixated on her. His stare was intense as he scanned her up and down, giving off the impression he was not only analyzing her but trying to intimidate her as well. 

What the hell is his problem, she thought, returning the equally intense stare, not being one to back from a challenge, till she sat in the seat behind. She quickly settled in when an eerie shudder came over her.  

"Nice I've got the best seat in the class I love this school already", a voice said from behind. She cautiously peered behind her to see the short boy salivating from behind, however, she simply rolled her eyes and returned her focus back to the front of the class. 

"Hello I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher. Put these on and head outside", he said gesturing to the boxes lined up with the student's ID on the front. One by one each ID was called out till it was time for Natalia's turn. She faced the pro-hero and received the box from his hands. "Excuse me Mr. Aizawa?", she asked. Turning to face the girl one more he replied, "Is something wrong?" She shook her head, "I was just wondering if the school received my request for the accommodations for my gym uniform?" Natalia had specifically asked if she could wear shorts instead of the typical pants that same with the outfit, it was easier for the girl to move around and would also allow space for her tail as well.

Looking down at his clipboard he replied, "Natalia Usagiyama correct?" She nodded in response, "Yes they were able to fulfill your request, let me know if you need anything else now get going". She smiled and politely bowed, "Thank you Mr. Aizawa, I look forward to learning from you". She flashed one last bright smile and headed to the locker rooms. 

The tall man held a faint smile as he glanced back at the young girls' profile, he thought to himself.

"This class is gonna be interesting for sure".

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