New Girl

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     I slowly start to turn off the ignition of the car before sighing and looking at the front of the school, it was way bigger than I had imagined it but that was okay with me. I sigh softly, taking a couple deep breaths before grabbing my backpack and phone. I open the car door, and lock it after I had gotten out. I started to slowly but surely make my way up to the front of the school, I could see some of the other students staring at me as I walked up, which made my cheeks turn bright red. I eventually started to speed walk up to the doors to get all of the attention off of me.

     I soon made it up to the front doors of the school and opened them. I looked around for the front office, found it, and started to walk towards it. I opened the door to the office and was immediately greeted by someone. "Hello, how may I help you?" Her voice was so calming and soothing, which made me feel a bit more comfortable. "Hi, yes... I just recently got enrolled to this school, and I am here for my class schedule please." I respond back while walking up to her. "Oh! that's great honey, what is your name." She asks, looking at me for a split second before looking down at her computer keys. "I'm Hailey." I say while looking at her, "Alton... Hailey Alton." I add while watching her type my name into the computer. 

     She finishes typing my name, smiles and then nods, "Alright sweetheart, I'm going to get your schedule printed out for you and I will be right back, you can take a seat in that chair over there, it will not take long at all." She says while pointing over to a chair, I smile and thank her before going to sit down on the chair, waiting for her to return with my schedule. While I was sitting there waiting for her, I had encounter Ally, which made my jump up out of my chair, she was walking out of one of the office rooms. She had also noticed me too considering I could hear her gasp as she starting to make her way up to me quickly. We eventually made it face to face with each other and I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly, which she did the same.

     "Oh my gosh, Ally... I missed you so much! I can't believe that I'm finally seeing you again after so long." I say practically crying while continuing to hug on her tightly. "Aww, stop... me too love, you're going to make me cry, oh my gosh." She says before releasing the hug to get a better look at my face. "It's been 2 years and you haven't changed a bit, still as beautiful as ever." She adds with a huge smile on her face. I blush a bit and nod, "I could definitely say the same thing about you." 

     "So, what are you doing in the office?" I add while looking at her, before sitting back down in my chair. "I'm actually an office aid/student aid, I help around in the office, but usually they ask me to go grab students from classes and give them slips of papers so that they can report to the  office, shit like that." She says basically giving me a run down of what she does. "The sad part is after this, I have to go back to class, I'm in here for a whole period, and once it ends I have to report to my regular classes, I wish this could last forever. It's extremely fun, you should definitely try to get in, I would love for you to help me around." She adds.

     I nod my head and laugh softly, "I will definitely think about that, but you know I just got here I'm trying to get everything settled down, I'm about to get my schedule, so if I have an empty spot in it or some class that I don't want to be in, I'll come back down to the office and try to get into the course with you." She nods in agreement, before the office lady comes back out with my schedule. 

     "Alright, you are good to go Hailey! Here is your schedule, and if you need any help finding your way or wanting to change your schedule don't be afraid to ask around, you can ask our dear Ally here, or ask any other students. You can even come back to me, just say that you are looking for Mrs. Patent." She says with my smile before waving goodbye to me, as I head out of the office with Ally considering we still had a couple of minutes to roam around the hallways before class started.

     "Okay, so Hailey..." Ally says not quite finishing her sentence before looking at me. I look up from my schedule before looking at her, "Yeah?" I ask squinting my eyes a bit because I knew how she was when she wasn't able to finish her sentence. "Alright, so... I know you're going to hate this idea but, I'd love to take the chance." I continue looking at her and nodding my head slowly. "Okay, spit it out. Where are you going with this?"

     "Alright, so you already know I have a boyfriend... Jack. We have been dating for 3 years now, ever since 10th grade, it's crazy I know... onto the good part now... he is planning a party today and of course I am invited but I also wanted to invite you so that you can come over to the party." I look at her shocked and laugh hysterically before calming myself down, "Oh, Ally you can't be serio-" She cuts me off and says, "Yeah, yeah I know you Hailey, you just moved here and you want to get settled first. Also I figured that would be your answer. I know you hate parties and would rather stay home 24/7 binge-watching Netflix, but please... I want you to actually get to meet my boyfriend, and meet my friends. Then you would actually know some other people because I'm not going to be able to be with you for most of this school year." She stops and grabs my schedule.

     "See! We don't even have any classes together, and that sucks but if you come to this party I can introduce you to my other friends and you can get to know them. Don't you think that would be nice to know some other people around the school?" She adds. I roll my eyes slowly considering that I couldn't argue with her, she was making too many valid statements. "Oh! Also, didn't you say you were single?" She asks raising her eyebrows a bit and smirking.  "Okay, Okay fine... but stop there, I'm single but definitely not looking for someone." I say while grabbing my schedule back. "Oh, please! That's what you say, but I know you better than that. The guys here are extremely hot and sexy. You're going to definitely be making out with someone at the party." She says teasing me.

     I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Shit, you didn't deny it... come on babes, I know you better than you know yourself." She says while laughing softly and nudging me. "Okay, shut up." I joke laughing as well. "I'm not going to be making out with anyone at the party, I'm only going to see your friends, and meet your boyfriend. Okay?" She smiles as I tell her that I'll be going to the party. The bell eventually rings and I have to make my way to class. I turn to Ally before hugging her goodbye. She hugs me back and wishes me good luck in my first class. Before leaving she says, "Hey! I'm picking you up later around 7 PM, don't forget to wear something sexy but casual." She says with a smile. "Oh no! definitely not. I respond before laughing softly and turning around to make my way to my first class.

(If you had made it this far in my story thank you so much for reading it. I will be posting my next part tomorrow, hopefully by the time you see this the part is already up! If you're enjoying keep reading it gets so much better. Also tell me what you like about my story so far <3)

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