5th quirk! 🪰

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Quirk Name: Venus Flytrap Breath

Info: If you exhale on anything with your quirk activated venus flytraps will grow on the surface, and if something touches the flytraps they will try and bite/eat the object. This quirk is dangerous if you activate your quirk on accident and breathe on something, but luckily you can stop this by wearing a mask. If you put something directly in front of your mouth and breath on it venus flytraps won't grow onto it. If something does touch the traps and the traps successfully bite/latch onto the victim which if they do you can't open the mouth's back up until it's finished; their body part that is in the "mouth" will soon melt/disintegrate slowly and painfully.

Drawbacks: your throat can be itchy at times and you get sore throats often.

Hero suit ideas for the quirk (you can pick or use these!):

Hero suit ideas for the quirk (you can pick or use these!):

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