6th quirk! 🎇

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Quirk Name: Gleam Detonation

Info: This quirk is similar to Bakugo's, except you get excited way too easily and are extremely cheerful. Gleam Detonation allows you to excrete nitroglycerin-like shiny and clear sweat from your palms and ignite it at will to create extremely shiny, glittery, and extremely loud explosions of various sizes. Through either one of your palms, you can create reflective and bright shock waves that are highly powerful and destructive, often blinding, shattering, exploding whatever they hit, with you being immune to them. Because this Quirk generates light, it's a natural counter to shadow quirks, which thrive in the dark. The more you sweat, the more powerful, bright, and loud the explosions become. This essentially means that your blast gradually grows in power the longer you combat since you will naturally sweat more through ongoing physical activity.

Drawbacks: During cold weather, the nitroglycerin-like sweat requires a slightly longer time to detonate and can freeze if too cold, as opposed to warm weather, where conditions are optimal for ignition. Repeated explosions, particularly large ones, eventually result in throbbing pain to your arms and shoulders and/or your eyes hurting. additionally, creating explosions with both arms at the same time causes their overall strength to disperse between both limbs, leading to individually weaker blasts. Due to you being limited to producing explosions from only your hands, which are also his Quirk Factor, you will be unable to utilize the Quirk if you lose the said limbs.

Hero suit ideas for the quirk (you can pick or use these!): (you can pick!)

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