11th quirk! 🎨

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Quirk Name: Colorful Mushrooms

Info: The user of this quirk can grow different sizes of their color of choice mushrooms out of objects. These mushrooms can be deadly if you squish the mushrooms, they will secrete a color that the top of the mushroom has a paint-like substance. Depending on the color is what the mushrooms can do, say the color is green it could be a gross smelling green paint that comes out or a green type of poison. This quirk is "cousins" with Komori Kinoko's quirk!

Drawbacks: The mushrooms can grow on your body, but the liquids inside don't affect you; meaning you can safely squish the mushrooms to make them go away without being hurt.

Special Move(s): Mush Fling— The user will quickly jump up on a surface and then much anything they can then jump up, activating their quirk at full power and fling large mushrooms at their target.

Hero suit ideas for the quirk (you can pick or use these!):

Hero suit ideas for the quirk (you can pick or use these!):

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