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Heya! Requests are open for now.
Here's some stuff ya need to know:
-i do any ships except Cream 'cause I have a few problems with that ship..
-I'm not so familiar with many sanses, so if you request something that's not in the usual bad guys-star sans-neutral (please tell me you know what I mean), then it'll take longer cause I'll have to do research on their au and their behavior, personality, relationships. I go over the top, heh heh.
-I might do lemons, but I've never wrote one so I'd probably not be very good. Also, I like platonic/fluffy relationships

-oh yeah, I kinda write weirdly, like if I'm doing a specific character POV I act like I'm the character, adding random thoughts and rhetorical questions, and I sometimes insult people if I'm writing as Nightmare or Error and such.. none of it is serious, don't take it as such, please! I'm just trying to make the POV more.. enjoyable/realistic?? I digress, sorry

I think that's it for now, if you need more, just ask.

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