Dustmare - Sunshine

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|| Ship: Dust x Nightmare || fluff? ||

|| small note: I originally made this on a different app and planned to copy and paste,  And then I forgot to save it, so here I am, writing it all again. Good times, am I right? ||


I sat on a couch in the middle of a LARGE room, beanbags and blankets just scattered around. I was uncomfortable on the cold couch. The air was... stiff? It's weird, the usually loud, annoying, warm castle completely silent. It wasn't like anyone was away on a mission, they were all there.. just.. not? I dunno how to explain it.

I got up, slightly speed walking towards the large tinted purple-scratched-up-Golden-rimmed doors. They loomed over me, kinda menacingly.. can doors be scary? I peeked over my shoulder at the mostly empty dim lit room. This is so strange. I looked back towards the doors and opened them, revealing the porch. The porch is quite nice at times, actually. It might be my favorite spot, but I've seen a balcony from.. Boss's room? I wonder what it's like from up there, Boss doesn't let us anywhere near his room, I wonder what he's hiding heh heh..

The porch was completely white, while the main castle was a dark scratched up purple. Two concrete pillars spaced quite far apart held up the other layers of the castle, leaving a roof of sorts over the porch. Short steep steps at the end of the porch led down to a path that eventually led to an abandoned village, but, it wasn't in view due to the thick trees that lined the path. 

It was almost dark, the sun barely peeking over the trees, yet just enough to make the perfect lighting. It was quite a good change from the cold inside of the castle to this warm atmosphere. I must say, it's probably one of the only things I've enjoyed in a while.

I walked down to the last step of the 3 and sat down, my slippers just lightly touching the soft gold-lit snow. It was calming, but I really just couldn't fade the feeling someone was watching me..


I was obscured. The pine trees that were quite beat down were quite useful if you ask me.

I blended into the shadows as I watched the infe- Dust, sitting on my wider portico. (porch), he had presumably come from the "living room", or what I'm going to turn into an anteroom (waiting room), for reasons people like you simply wouldn't discern (understand).

The subordinate was just. there. He seemed weary (tired/exhausted), but he definitely had been sleeping, and I  definitely didn't oppress (overwork/to distress or make someone anxious) him. Of course I wouldn't do such a  thing, unless I needed to.

I weighed my options. Do I keep watching, or do I approach him? Well, I decided to go for two.

[3RD POV] (here's where i get lazier.)

The tentacled monster formed behind the other, staring down at him completely silently. He spoke in a rumbling voice. "Hello, Dust."  Dust slightly jumped, the still deep voice usually threatening sounded so soft. Dust quietly watched as the 'King Of Negativity' sat down next to him on the porch.

The quiet, awkward, small talk resumed.

"Hey, Boss.." Dust said, fiddling with his fingers. 

Dust was never one to talk, he'd usually stay silent in meetings and in conversations if he could help it.

"What'cha doin' out here?.."  Nightmare said, staring out into nothing. 

Dust replied, but barely audible.  "What was that.?"   "I just- n-no reason.." Dust stumbled out. A slight blue-ish purple brushed over his face, embarrassed that he stuttered. Nightmare looked over at Dust for a moment, but eventually looked away and an awkward yet calming silence ensued.

Nightmare's tentacle gradually became closer to Dust, and eventually rested around his waist loosely. Dust's face was flushed, he was embarrassed, but said nothing as he would never admit it, but he liked it. The lovey-dovey tension quickly broke as—"HELP, BOSS!!! HORROR IS EATING THE MAZE ON THE WAFFELOS BOX, AAAAA!"—ahem. As the unmistakable distressed scream of one of Nightmare's 'lessers', screamed so loud it rang all throughout the abandoned AU.

The tentacle on Dust tightened as Dust tensed, then Nightmare stood up, letting go of Dust. He turned towards the large doors  and was about to open them to face the chaos that was inside, but half-way turned around to face Dust. "Come in if ya' want. though.. you probably don't want to."  Nightmare said, his 'calm' expression became fed up as he turned back to the now scream-crying skeleton inside the castle.


• Sorry if this is short, it's rushed and I kinda ran out of motivation and ideas.

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