Chapter 4: Sarah

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  I'm not sure what to make of the boy. He's amazingly charming, but something seems a little off about him. I mean, I couldn't even see his parents? I guess they could really have been working that early in the morning, but it just didn't feel quite right. My goodness though, he was gorgeous. Short dark blonde hair swept to the side, deep blue eyes, funny in my opinion. I wonder how many girls fall for him on a daily basis.
  "Hun, you okay?" Dad snaps me out of my fantasies.
  "Oh, yeah I'm great. I just met someone interesting this morning, that's all." I say.
  "And who's that?" My dad asks.
  I chose my words, "Just a boy across the street, nothing big. How was your coffee this morning?" I ask, trying to change the subject. My dad doesn't want me to even look at boys until practically college. So thinking about a boy would be a sin to him. I guess that's normal for a pastor father.
  "You met a boy?" He asks, curious and putting his coffee cup back on the white granite countertop, gently.
  "Yeah but it's no big deal. I introduced myself to him and a few other neighbors. He lives across the street and his name is Tyler." I laugh a little.
  He looks at me suspiciously for a split second,  but then gives in and continues sipping his coffee while reading the paper until we leave to get another look at the new church that he'll be pastoring.
  After we get home, I call Daniella and talk to her about Tyler. He seems bendable. Not physically of course, he is too muscular for that, but spiritually. I tell her that I should ask him if the "rumors" that he's an atheist are true. She agrees. After that, she has to go off to bed at her house right next door, so we say our goodbyes and I spend the rest of the night thinking about the boy I desperately want to know.

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