-Earth and Outer Space-

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Once Billy made it past the title screen and selected "new game" on the menu, a cutscene began to play.

A black screen with the words "Earth, Monster Island" in white appeared before it faded to a shot of a mostly empty island, focusing on the volcano near the middle of it.

After that, the screen faded to a 2d side view near the volcano. A faint melody played, a melody that could only be described as peaceful and heavenly.

He didn't know why, but this melody made him feel... calm and at peace.

A crashing sound was heard as the volcano shook, and Rodan flew out of it, letting out a cry, before landing on the rocky ground below. White text appeared at the top of the screen that read; "Follow the melody".

Billy then realized that he could control Rodan, which he thought was nice.

He moved Rodan to the right a bit, the only way that lead anywhere, before Billy tried to figure out what exactly all of the buttons did.

Rodan could walk on the ground, and fly in the air. He could kick and smack his opponents with his wings while on the ground, duck down, and had a flamethrower attack, which took up five bars of power - the entire meter. He could also do an attack while flying - he could quickly fly lower to the ground, doing a barrel roll, before going back up to where he originally was.

Billy had a feeling the sky attack would be helpful in the future, if there were any boss fights.

He continued on with the game, he looked at the text at the top of the screen again, "Follow the melody" it read. The melody faintly played in the background, as he continued.

The ground near the volcano was mainly rock, with some trees in the background. Billy moved Rodan to the right, passing by more trees, the rocky ground of the volcano became grassy as Rodan continued on to a more forrest-like part of the island.

As Rodan continued to walk through the forrest, Billy stopped when he saw a large spider monster that was a bit smaller then Rodan. He attacked it, but the spider did nothing back, and scurried away. Confused, Billy followed the spider monster to the next screen, only for it to be gone once making it to said screen.

He continued to move Rodan further along the island, passing by more monsters that were just doing their own thing in the forrest part of the island. The forrest landscape lead to the beach-like part of the island. Once Rodan had made it there, the melody got slightly louder.

As he continued on the beach, Billy was caught off guard when a small horde of small crab-like creatures rushed up to Rodan, and began attacking him with their claws.

Each individual crab was defeated with a few kicks, the entire horde was quickly defeated, and Rodan moved on along the beach for a few seconds, before being attacked by another horde of the same crabs.

A while after this horde was defeated, there was another horde, and another. Each one slightly harder to defeat then the last.

After four screens of walking on the same beach and fighting the same horde seemingly fifteen times, he made it to the fifth screen, the shore of the beach, where a giant lobster-like monster sat.

Rodan stopped moving as the lobster monster let out a loud screeching sound, and then, different music began playing - a boss fight had begun, a fight against the lobster monster named "Ebirah".

Ebirah wouldn't do a whole lot to attack, as he only had two ways of doing so; tackling the opponent, which only did a quarter of a bar of health, and swinging his claws, which did half a health bar's worth of damage. He wasn't much of a challenge considering how slow he was.

Ebirah was actually a pretty easy monster to defeat, as he only had three bars of health and was very slow to attacking back.

After Ebirah fell to the bottom of the screen, the victory theme playing in the background, the same heavenly song from earlier was heard. Just as before the fight, he continued on with the level, taking off into the sky and soaring above the sea.

As Rodan flew over the waves below, Billy began to wonder... was the game usually like this? He'd never played the game before, but based off of the way Zachary had described the game to him before, it wasn't supposed to be like this... Rodan wasn't a playable character, only Godzilla and Mothra.

So... why was Rodan playable in this version? Was Rodan only added in this version and wasn't in the game Zachary described? Was this copy a prototype that was accidentally released?

There weren't any enemies in the sea, nor the air as Rodan glided above the ocean below him, listening to the calm melody he was meant to follow for some reason. After a few minutes of nothing but flying, Rodan came across a city.

Huh... Zach never described there being any cities in the game... just rocks, planes, and UFO's to destroy.

He had Rodan land on the ground near a tall skyscraper, before going on to destroy the entire city before him; smashing buildings, taking down the helicopters and planes that would attack from above, crushing the tanks below like weak insects, as he slowly carried on, heading to find the source of the melody that he urged to find.

After nearly the whole city was crushed, Rodan came upon the rest of the ocean. It was clear he wasn't making any progress on earth... and stopped.

A voice was heard, as redish-orange text appeared onscreen.

"Where are my friends...? They should be back by now... I- I should go and try to find them! They probably need my help!"

And with that, Rodan suddenly took off flying straight up into the sky, before the screen faded to a screen that read "Outer Space".

Suddenly, he was now in a automatic side scrolling level with small space creatures and UFO's coming after Rodan that he'd need to attack by either using Rodan's beam attack, or using the flying attack to take them down.

Whenever a UFO or any of the space creatures came near Rodan, he'd quickly take them down with Rodan's flying attack, which was always satisfying - especially if he took them all down in one attack.

"Heh heh- got ya!" He chuckled as he took down another wave of enemies.
It didn't last much longer after that, as the screen faded to black again.

It was over...

He took a minute to give his hands a break, as they were starting to get a bit cramped from playing so much.

After that, he read the text onscreen, and a look of confusion appeared on Billy's face as he stared at it...


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