jaehyun's house

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{Today jaehyun invited veronica to his house to get to know her better but things get a little(haha no smut dirty minded) but will jaehyun confess to veronica even if they haven't known eachother very well}

*veronica knocks on jaehyun's door*

Jaehyun; hi

Veronica; hi

Jaehyun; come in

Veronica; thank you

Jaehyun; so umm i live by myself actually my therapist picked this apartment for me since i don't like living in crouded places

Veronica; do your parents know about this

Jaehyun; duhh of course they do

Veronica; so what did you want to tell me

Jaehyun; oh yes

Veronica; mhm

Jaehyun; i like you

Veronica; woah hold on there you like me we've known eachother for 5 days and you like me

Jaehyun; yes so will you be my girlfriend besides it's boring living alone

Veronica; well jaehyun can i think about how about friday at school

Jaehyun; ok fine

Veronica; thank you

Jaehyun; what about now

Veronica; jaehyun!!!

Jaehyun; sorry

Veronica; god you are just like Rosè

Jaehyun; what about her

Veronica; nothing

Jaehyun; tell me

Veronica; grrr fine

Jaehyun; spill

Veronica; she thinks you and i would look cute together if we where a couple

Jaehyun; actually she's not wrong how about we date in secret without telling her

Veronica; but rosè is my best friend i can't keep secrets from her she'll be really mad at me

Jaehyun; how about you just don't tell her at all so will you Veronica kim be my girlfriend

Veronica; yes

Jaehyun; yaay *kisses Veronica's cheek

Veronica; umm exuse me i don't kiss on the first date

Jaehyun; what is this the 1960's

Veronica; maybe

Jaehyun; it's getting really late you should get going

Veronica; ok I'll see you tommorow at school bye

Jaehyun; bye

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