no longer friends

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{Jaehyun came to molly's rescue after he saw her crying in the hallway}

*veronica crying in the hallway*

Shotaro; hey jaehyun do you hear that

Jaehyun; ya it sounds like someone is crying *gasp* veronica

Shotaro; should i go to class

Jaehyun; yes please

Jisung; Shotaro

Shotaro; let's go to class

Jaehyun; babe what's wrong

Veronica; Rosè where no longer friends

Jaehyun; how did she find out

Veronica; she almost punched it out of me

Jaehyun; omg

Veronica; i lost my best friend

Jaehyun; hey let's go to my place let's forget about everything else ok we can cuddle and watch a movie

French teacher; allez en classe

Veronica; on le fera

Jaehyun; how do you know french

Veronica; i lived in paris for 6 years for one of my dad's business trips

Jaehyun; cool

Veronica; ok can we go now

Jaehyun; yes

Veronica; je t'aime

Jaehyun; i je t'aime you too😘

Veronica; that's disrespectful

Jaehyun; sorry

Veronica; gwaenchanh-a

{That day jaehyun and veronica cuddled all night while watching a movie the next day they didn't attend school because veronica didn't feel like being close to Rosè and even having a locker next to her so veronica decided to drop out of school all together even if her teachers where disappointed in her, jaehyun and her parents supported her decision on dropping out which made her happy now she lives with jaehyun and she does everything in the house like, cook for jaehyun, clean the house, run errands, etc.}

in love with the cold boy aka flower boyWhere stories live. Discover now