Beach Day

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Today was finally the day! My younger sister and I had been planning to drive a few hours to the coast and spend the entire day on the beachfront. Since I was home from college for the summer, we wanted to enjoy ourselves as much as possible.

Only I was unaware of the secret plan that Lily had in store for me, as repayment for all the teasing and bullying I put her through while we were growing up. I didn't do anything too terrible; just typical sibling things, in my opinion.


"Let's go, Lily!" I shouted as I packed away my small bag of clothes and beach items like towels, sunscreen, etc.

"I just wanted to make some breakfast, geez," Lily grumbled, following we out to the car with a small plate of eggs and toast. She had two water bottles tucked under her arm, and her own beach bag slung over her shoulder.

"Packed some snacks?" I questioned eagerly.

Lily smirked and nodded. "But we can't enjoy them until the beach," she stated decisively. I rolled my eyes. Whatever.

"Fine, but let's go. We should hurry before the traffic gets too bad."

We piled into the car and began the drive. Lily offered me one of the water bottles, which was so kind of her. I hadn't even thought to bring one. I guzzled it down as I drove, taking us further and further into the busy city.

I began noticing a sudden overwhelming urge to pee when we were still about 30 minutes away from the beach. I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat, and glanced at the clock. I would just go at the beach. No point in trying to pull over now.

We hit the worst of traffic then, as we inched nearer to our destination. We came to an almost standstill, and I whimpered to myself in fear. Maybe I should've pulled over when I had the opportunity.

I started squirming more, noticing that Lily was watching me, but not having the mental awareness to be embarrassed. "Stupid traffic!" I whined, pressing a hand to my increasingly full bladder. I glanced at my water bottle in disdain. I hadn't even had that much to drink! Why did I need to go so badly?

The next half hour passed of traffic barely moving and my desperation growing tenfold. By the time we were traveling again at a slow but steady pace, I knew we had to stop at the nearest rest stop.

I pulled off of the highway and hightailed it to the gas station just a few roads down. Each bump released a small spurt into my panties, and by the time I was parking, a wet spot the size of a quarter had appeared on my crotch.

I jumped out of the car frantically and sprinted towards the store, only to catch my toe on the sidewalk and go sprawling to the ground. The impact and the shock startled me from my control, and suddenly I began wetting myself.

"No no no no!" I cried out, but it was no use. I sat on the sidewalk in shame as a puddle formed around me.

Lily laughed as she got out of the car and watched me wet my pants like a toddler. "Wow, and I thought you were a big girl," she taunted.

I glared at her, and jumped to my feet, face red with embarrassment. I couldn't just stand here in public! I looked around and saw a few people nearby, some of them watching me in shock. I turned on heel and sprinted into the store, making a beeline for the bathroom to see what I could do for damage control.

Inside the bathroom, I studied myself in the mirror. The dark spot between my legs was telltale of my accident, and also the huge spot on my butt. There was no hiding that. I tried using paper towels to dry it up, but it was no use. It would take a long time for it to dry. Too long. I couldn't stay here all day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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