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I don't reply because I don't have any response curated for this situation. The last person I thought would show up at Mona's place is there, and I can't fly out quick enough to interfere with their interaction. Hopefully, Drake can get there soon enough before all hell broke loose.

Mona doesn't end the call, which I'm more than glad for because I want to hear every single thing that happens. I put myself on mute when she opens the door, and judging by the position of her camera, her phone's against her thigh, pretending she's casually holding it.

"Holy shit!" Mona exclaims, "What the hell happened to you, and what the hell are you doing here?"

"You happened to me, you bitch," Kaia replies with anger in her voice, "Are you gonna let me in or what?"

"Why the fuck would I let you in? You're clearly out of your fuckin' mind?" Smart girl. I don't know what Kaia's motives are, flying or driving out to Froit just to see Mona. It doesn't matter because all I know it's bad.

"Stop being so dramatic. If Seth replaced you with me, we must have something similar in our personalities," Totally false. Their appearance may be similar, but they're two completely different characters. Kaia is nowhere close to Mona's personality.

But Mona seems to agree, and I hear the door opening wider then shutting. Her camera switches to the back, and I can see Kaia standing a few steps away from her. She can't seem to stand still and switching weights from one foot to the other with her arms folded in front of her chest.

Bruises and cuts are splattered all over her face, and now, I understand why Mona asked the question when she did. Mark wouldn't have laid a hand on her. It's not his nature, so I'm sure he had someone else do the dirty work for him. Kaia found out the worst way what happens when you cross someone like me. I wonder what happened to the two goons, especially the one I shot.

"You haven't answered my question. What the fuck are you doing here?" Mona asks again, and this time, I can watch Kaia squirm. Truly a treat for me.

Kaia rolls her eyes, masking her genuine emotions. Although we haven't spent time together, mostly because I only ever wanted her for sex, I can read her body language like a book. And right now, she's nervous and worries about something, which doesn't make sense to me because why would she go to Mona?

"I heard that you're connected with the Morettis," Kaia begins, and it's not a good starting sentence.

Where the fuck is Drake?

"I'm going to stop you right there," Mona tells her, "I'm not connected with any of them. Where are you even getting this information from?"

"You're telling me you're not best friend with Jaylen's girlfriend, Lily?" I don't need to be there to know Mona froze because she's silent for a few seconds.

I have to stop underestimating everyone, period. I've been far too lax lately (must be Mona's effect on me), and I need to get back to being more aware to my surrounding. Before anything bad happens, before someone threatens Mona's safety, I have to put my head back into the game.

"That doesn't mean I'm connected with them. They barely know who I am," Mona argues. Little does she know that Uncle Adam knows every single person who enters his son's life. No one ever goes unnoticed, even Lily.

"You're well enough connected that I got this," Kaia points at her face.

Why is she assuming that it's Mona who's behind her beating? It's not me, either, because I didn't expect Mark to allow his guys to lay a hand on a woman. But it must be the pressure from the name I carry and whom I'm directly related to that caused him to react the way he did.

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