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When I woke up, Laurens was gone. Spada was still curled into my side, breathing softly. I got up, unfortunately waking Spada, and saw Burr looking upset and like a dad. Oh shit.

"Charles Lee, would you mind explaining to me why John Laurens, the person you despise the most, was laying and cuddling with you?" he asked. I sighed, knowing its all over. Play dumb, play dumb.

"...Who's Laurens?" I asked through panic. Ah fuck, too dumb.

"CHARLES!" Burr called out.

"AARON!" I said back, trying to keep some dignity.

"Why was he in your bed?! Please tell me you practiced safely," Burr said. It took a moment for me to realize what he meant.

"OH MY GOD, AARON, GET OUT," I said, well more screamed. Someone heard and opened the flap. Of course it was none other than Hamilton.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking between us. My face was probably red from embarrassment, and Burr was laughing. So, as the incredibly dumb best friend I am, I swept him up and forced Hamilton to take the menace without dignity.

"Have a Burr, sir. You can leave now," I said, smirking at Burr's growing blush. I made a small mental note of adding that to the list of things to tease him about. Hamilton left in complete confusion while still carrying Burr. I heard something drop outside, followed by a "Fuck you, Alex". I laughed a little to myself while Spada tried to figure out what was happening out there. The tent flap opened, and I expected an angry Burr to walk in and find a way to make me a flustered mess.

Instead, Laurens walked in, looking confused.

"Are you aware that Alex just carried Burr out of your tent bridal style then dropped him?" he asked, looking for hints of what could've caused it.

"I knew he left carrying Burr, that was my fault, but is Aaron alright?" I asked.

"He's complaining about his back, but he's walking," Laurens said. I nodded in return.

"Also, I didn't mean for him to find us- I just thought no one walked into your tent," Laurens said.

"Honestly, what's the worst he can do? I'm the one who knows the most about him, and if he even thinks of messing with you, Hamilton would be sticking his foot up Burr's ass so fast," I said, shrugging a bit. Laurens' turn to nod along to what I said.

"What if he fucks with you? Like, in a way you can't just... stop or get him back?" Laurens asked. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"What dignity do I have left in this camp? After our duel, no one but you or Burr talked to me," I pointed out. Laurens looked like he was ready to quip something, but he stayed quiet.

"Can we just meet at the woods now? Can I do whatever trust thing you have now?" Laurens asked after a moment.

"No. Part of it is seeing you meet up on time, something you broke multiple times," I said. I turned to work on something, but there was nothing to fill my desk. I pulled out a piece of parchment and began writing a letter to my sister. She told me she wanted to come to America if the boats were any safer for women. 

"Why does everyone I love work themselves into the ground?" Laurens muttered to himself. I ignored it and continued to write. I heard moving and Spada growling.

"Spada, no, he's okay," I said, keeping my eyes on the paper. I was almost finished, I just needed to address one more topic and sign it. I quickly wrote them down and folded the paper into thirds.

"What's this about?" Laurens asked. I turned around and saw him holding a sheet of paper. Realization hit quickly as I snatched the paper away. I was not going to let him read my original confession of feelings from almost 2 months ago.

"Nothing! It isn't important," I said. I felt my face burn as I recrumpled the paper. It was soft from how many times I opened it to remind myself that I was getting a lot more than I could ever deserve then crumpling it closed after.

"Really? It was addressed to me right before you got promoted, I wanna see!" Laurens said. He made grabby hands in my direction as I stepped back.

"Like I said, it's not important, in fact, it's pretty boring and you wouldn't like it," I said. I held the paper behind my back and kept trying to dodge Laurens' hands.

"What if I kissed you for it?" Laurens bartered. I weighed the options in my head. On one hand, I would get a kiss, attention, and a reminder that I have a reason to be happy. On the other, this was literally the stupidest shit I've written. I sounded like a school boy and probably even more cowardly than normal. I wasn't given a chance to come to a final solution as Laurens kissed me softly. I froze at the feeling before melting into it and kissing back. I didn't even feel Laurens take the paper from me until he pulled away and uncrumpled it.

"NO- PLEASE-" I said, trying to grab the paper. Laurens held out an arm to keep me away as he read it. he grew a dorky, toothy smile as he looked back at me. I felt myself blush.

"You're so adorable, oh my gosh, how long did you say you had feelings? Since October? Oh my gosh, you should've said something before we dueled, this whole thing could've been avoided!" Laurens exclaimed. I shushed him, as if anyone would be walking by.

"You had Hamilton, and I honestly thought you hated me and that's why we dueled," I admitted.

"Wait- Is that why you came to my tent? Because almost everyone knows where the general's tent is," Laurens asked.

"You have nothing to prove that. Maybe I'm just a dumbass that gets lost too much," I said with a shrug. Apparently, I said something wrong because Laurens pushed me into my chair and placed his hands on the arm rests. I blushed even more and looked up into his eyes.

"Don't call yourself a dumbass, you're decently smart. Smart enough to be second in command," Laurens said. I leaned up and pecked his lips gently before sitting back.

"Nah, I just have a good enough aim and like yelling. See? A dumbass," I said. Laurens frowned and leaned closer. Eventually, his face was next to my ear and his hair moved with my breathe.

"You're not a dumbass. You got the promotion before Alex did. You're amazing, and I'm not going to sit around and see you degrade yourself," he whispered into my ear. I nodded hesitantly, not wanting the moment to end. I took advantage of the moment and pulled Laurens into a hug and hid my face into his shoulder. Holy. Shit. This feels amazing. Better than anything I could imagine.

( skittles , pro at making homoerotic moments hugs )

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