Prove It

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Friday was finally here, which meant two things; the weekend and my date with Matt. I was excited yet scared. I wondered what it'd be like .. Just him and I. Alone.

The school day had ended quicker than expected. Thank goodiness. I was relieved to know that i had the weekend in my grasp. As soon as i had gotten home i took a little nap just to be refreshed for later.

Cameron's POV

So what had happened at school the other day was not planned. Chelsea had somehow found out that i was trying to contact Sara that night. It wasn't till that Monday when her and I got in an argument at school. I was scared, but for Sara's sake. I needed to explain so much and i didn't know how.

"You fucking asshole Cameron!" Chelsea had shouted causing a few heads to turn.

"Fuck off." i gave her the cold shoulder.

"I've caught you! I knew you were gonna pull some stupid ass shit like this. I thought you cared about "your" Sara." she mocked and put up air quotes.

"I dont know what your talking about."

"Oh you know.. You were trying to text Sara while you and I were on our date." how the fuck did she know. Creepy. I guess my reaction had answered her clearly. Her eyes had grown wide and seemed to have become darker.

"See! Do you see! Unbelievable!" she poked my chest hardly. I swear if she weren't a girl and was a guy, then Chelsea would've already gotten the beating of a lifetime. She deserves one. Badly.

"Look, Chelsea, i think you've gone crazy." i tried to keep my cool because by this time there was more attention on her and I.

"No. I'm not crazy. I had a friend hook up your phone info to my phone, so i could watch your every move. Your not trustworthy."

"The fuck!? Looks who's talking. Your not trustworthy yourself. And i didn't even send the text." by now a crowd wss forming around us. Chelsea and i exchanged a few more cuss words and thats when i saw her. She looked so beautiful just walking through those gates. Gosh i missed her. What have I gotten into.

I was to caught up in my thoughts about Sara that i didn't know Chelsea had spotted her as well. The crowd had then moved away. They were forming a bigger circle just preparing for a fight.

Chelsea had started getting all up in Sara's face when Sara had defended herself. That was hot. After things started getting interesting between the two, some fucker had gone to tell the principal and counselor what was going on. Shit. The girls were both brought up to the office and i couldn't do anything else but go to class.

The entire day during both passing period and lunch i was trying to look for Sara. Not to cause trouble but to explain myself. I had heard earlier that day that Chelsea was getting sent to juvi and i couldn't be any happier. Oh wait. Yes I could. But first i had to set facts straight with Sara. Sadly, i didn't find her the entire day. Afterschool. I would go to her house afterschool. Perfect. But first homework. Ugh.

Sara's POV

I had woken up from my nap. It was 5pm and Matt was coming for me at 7pm. Perfect. I was about to get ready when i heard the knock on the door. I quickly rushed to the restroom to check my appearance then ran down the stairs.

"Coming!" i shouted so the person wouldn't leave. I answered the door and it was Anthony.

"Hey sorry to wake you i know you were asleep but i forgot my keys." he explained rushing himself.

"No, its fine, i just got up from my nap a few minutes ago."

"Okay. I won't be back till late - oh wait neither will you. Aha. Have fun on your date with Matt." he winked then walked out the door. I couldn't help but giggle.

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