revelation of mrs lee

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Now i am in home in my room
I toss my clothes to clothes bin and change to my comfy clothes before sleeping

Next day

I open my eyes only to see a black painted wooden celing i jump out of my bed to ready for University

I am thinking of the thing that mrs Lee was about to tell i do t call him emmoa becuse she is not my heart believes that she ia a wicked and this proved when i caught him red handed
Making out with someone else

Mrs Lee : y/n i want to talk to you
Y/n : what is it say quickly i have to go
Mrs Lee: umm y/n if you don't mind if i get married and settled you will have a father and i love someone with heart
Y/n : ohh so now you find a new prey tell me is he rich or not because i know what you are. Am i right MOM

Mrs Lee : mind your language y/n talk properly .
Y/n : i know this from starting go start living with him marry him once i turned 19 i will leave dont worry i will not become your burden

You have only 5 min wanna say something or i am going
Mrs Lee : be ready at tomorrow 1 pm we have to visit him
She dint say anything and move towards his University

In whole day she was thinking of morning incident but she shrugged it off thinking that she is going to leave soon after she turns 19 only 1 month is remain

At next day 😹 sleepy head wake up

She wake her due to his Mobile ringtone of morning guitar

She changed and it was almost 12 : 30 so she started getting ready to meet his new step father she knows what path this love lead to

This is what she wears
( She does not apply makeup because she don't buy them and covering his eyes with hoodie cap she made his way to his mrs Lee
Mrs Lee: y/n you are looking nice now should we go
She nod his head plucking his earphone in his ears she made his way out of house locking it

After travelling for one hour they arrived
Y/n : looking for outside he is rich she mumbled
Soon the large iron gate open . We make our way to big golden wooden shiny gate that like is painted now

Soon the door open revealing a handsome looking around 45 years hug your mother saying darling

Mr Kim : honey you are here let's go ohh this is your daughter she is looking beautiful
Y/n : hello Mr Kim i am jung y/n
Mr Kim : jung are not you Lee

Y/n : no my father is jung i am adopted
Mr Kim : but honey now you have family oh i forget come inside

They both entered
Mr Kim : ahm boys come here
Thay came one by one and i am a little bit shockedbecause they are looking like Greek gods but she composed himself .

Mr Kim: introduce yourself boys

Mr Kim: introduce yourself boys

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