Meeting Genevieve Padalecki

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Hope POV

"Hey is that a Cochin on your shoulder?!" I heard a voice say in my direction.

I usually hear 'hey is that a chicken?' and not specifically a Cochin, plus everyone at the bookstore at this time knows me now and never asks anymore so I was curious about who was talking. The voice sounded slightly familiar too so I also wanted to figure out who was talking because of that.

I turned around and said, "yeah it's - OH! You're Genevieve Padalecki!"

She smiled and said, "yeah... hi!"

I smiled and said, "hi! I love you! This is Eggevieve, named after you actually."

She said, "aww that's so sweet!"

I smiled and said, "thanks. I was obsessed with you when I got her so yeah. And Genevieve actually means God's blessing in French, so even more reason that I love the name. Annnmd now I'm rambling."

She laughed and said, "aww that's so cool!"

I smiled then went for it and hugged her; Eggevieve even chirped happily and sorta nuzzled into us both.

I asked for a picture then asked what book she was looking for after we took it.

She said, "I'm looking for a book by Katherine May."

I said, "oh me too! Which one?"

She said, "The Electricity of Every Living Thing."

I said, "oooo! That sounds like a good one! I'm looking for the one you had for a monthly read a few months back, Wintering."

She said, "that's a really good one!"

I nodded and we both looked for our books then when we found them, being curious, I said, "Hey, what made you come here? I'm just wondering because I come in every day and everyone here knows me and I've never seen you before so, just wondering."

She said, "I've been looking for this book for a while and I had some extra time today with my husband home so I decided to stop in."

I said, "Oh cool!"

She said, "yeah. Hey! Why don't we exchange numbers and we can talk about the books together?!"

My eyes widened and I said, "sure!"

I pulled my phone out and started to go to the contacts when she happened to see my background of Jared and said, "oh you're a Supernatural fan?"

I smiled, blushing slightly, and said, "yeah! It's my favorite show!"

She put her number in my phone then handed it back and said, "well what are you doing right now?"

My brain RANG with bells of excitement so much so that I could barely think and, you know how in Lizzie McGuire there's that little animated Lizzie always running around? Yeah, there was one of those of me running around screaming excitedly in my head. I remained calm on the outside though and I said, "honestly, I'm going to go home and read. I live alone and don't have class or work so," then shrugged.

She said, "where do you go to school? Where do you work?"

I said, "Texas State for a Bachelor's in Music Performance and I'm officially a waitress but I want to be an actress or a singer."

She said, "that's amazing! What's your name by the way?"

We both laughed a little and I said, "I'm Hope."

She said, "well Hope, Danneel and her kids are coming over in about an hour. Do you want to come too? You could come now and see my chickens and everything too! Tom LOVES showing them to people."

Unexpected Friendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें