Shit Show

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Hope POV

Everything was perfect... until it wasn't.

Shaz and I came over, like we have been, and sat on the couch while we waited for Gen to finish talking to Jared.

After a few minutes, we heard Gen and Jared start to yell and Shaz and I looked at each other worriedly. A minute later, we heard a door open then Gen's voice got louder before we heard her walk toward us.

She came around the corner as we heard Jared, "GENEVIEVE YOU KNOW -"

Gen responded, "NO JARED..."

They kept yelling but I didn't hear anything else; it became too much for me and I pulled my knees to my chest as I leaned into Shaz, who comforted me.

About 5 minutes later I was starting to calm down, even though Gen and Jared were still arguing, and we all heard the front door open and close.

Shaz and I looked up and Jared and Gen stopped arguing as we saw Dee come in with a tear streaked face.

I wiped my face then got up to hug Dee as Gen said something else to Jared before she walked to help comfort her friend, probably not caring anymore about the argument for the time being.

Gen and I sat on either side of Dee and Shaz sat next to me as Jared walked out of the room. The 3 of us comforted Dee for a few minutes until she was able to speak.

"Jen - Jensen and I are.. are struggling. Most of our mo - money lately has been going to - to Chaos and - and Family Business and now we - we're struggling to pay rent and I'm not getting much time to myself because we - we had to give the nanny less hours to try to manage and I'm - I'm just going crazy trying to not stretch myself too thin."

Gen pulled her in for a hug as I rubbed her back and Jared handed her tissues. He set the box in Gen's lap so Dee could reach them then stood back as I said, "it'll be okay. Everything will work out, I promise."

Dee nodded and said thank you as she turned to look at me. She said, "why do you look upset?"

I waved it off and said, "nothing. I'm fine. Just - the yelling - I don't like it."

Gen reached behind Danneel to hug me and said sorry as Jared walked over to me and gave me a hug and said sorry too.

I said, "it's okay. What were you guys even fighting about?"

Jared said, "nothing. Just difference in opinion."

Gen smiled and said, "yeah sweetie. Nothing to worry about."

I said, "you sure? I'm not sure I could take it if you guys divorced. I know I don't really get a say or anything but I love y'all too much, it would definitely mess with me."

Gen nodded and said, "promise," as Jared kneeled in front of me and told me to look at him.

After I did he said, "Hope, I promise there's nothing to worry about. Gen and I can work through anything. It was a stupid fight that we'll work out."

I smiled and said, "okay. Thank you J."

He said you're welcome and I hugged him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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