Padalecki House Fun

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Hope POV

The next day I couldn't wait for classes to be over. The only good part was that I had Shaz in all my classes with me and we talked the whole day about what happened yesterday.

In our last class, I had an idea so I asked Shaz what she was doing after school and she said nothing.

I said, "okay! Then come with me to Gen's?! If she says you can, of course."

She said, "yes! Duh!"

We both giggled and I said okay before texting Gen, who said, "of course! She's welcome over whenever you want to bring her!"

I sent an "okay!" back then Shaz and I quietly squealed before quickly finishing our assignments so we could leave.

Once we got out of the classroom, we yelled "ahhhhhh!!" before running to my car so we could go to Gen's house.

When we got to the house, we went in and Jared and Gen walked toward us from the kitchen.

I started to introduce Shaz, who was grinning as much as possible, before JJ saw me from the backyard. I barely got out "this is Shaz," before JJ yelled my name and pulled me to the back door.

I laughed as I turned around and said, "have fun Shaz!" before I was drug outside.

When we got outside, JJ ran to the trampoline and we jumped for about 10 minutes before Danneel came outside and told JJ it was time for homework.

JJ said okay then we started to get off and she asked me to help her. I asked what kind of homework it was and she said it was English, her favorite class.

We walked in the back door and I said, "okay well how about this, you do the homework and then when you're done I'll check it. I wanna spend some time with your mom, Aunt Gen, and my friend too, okay."

She smiled and said okay then grabbed her backpack before sitting down at the table and starting her homework as I walked into the living room where Gen, Shaz, and Danneel were.

I smiled and sat down next to Shaz and Gen then quickly joined in on the conversation. They were getting to know Shaz and started asking questions about her life, and mine too once I joined in.

Dee said, "so, do you guys have a boyfriend?"

"Or girlfriend!" Gen interjected quickly.

Dee said, "yeah, or girlfriend," and smiled at us.

We both shook our heads no so they asked if we had crushes on anyone. Shaz shook her head no again as I started blushing and looked down at my lap.

The girls said, "ooooo" and Shaz, who knows me better than I know myself most of the time, spoke for me, "she has a crush on you two."

They said oh as I spoke in a quiet and nervous voice, "yeah, and you."

I felt Shaz look at me so I looked up as Dee and Gen kept glancing between Shaz and I.

Shaz said, "me? Why me?"

I said, "because you're so smart and beautiful and just - I don't know! You remind me of them!" as I gestured toward Dee and Gen before continuing, "you're always there for me and you inspire me the same ways they do and you make me want to be and do better every day. Every day I spend being your friend I find myself being a little bit more loving to myself and confident in myself. You just - you do so much for me and are so much for me and I couldn't help but like you."

She said, "oh. Well, thank you. And everything you said I say right back to you and I like you too."

I said, "re - really?"

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