Happily ever after not so sure

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Brooke: hey Lucas how are you pretty boy.
Lucas: I'm amazing and you get prettier and prettier every time I see you.
Brooke: thank you that's so nice I have to ask you something.
Lucas:sure what ups who can tell me anything.
Brooke: do you remember Peyton saywer
Lucas: I'm your BFF for life sure I remember her.
Brooke: don't be mad but she wants to come back to one tree hill.
Lucas: what since when I thought she said she hated this town.
Brooke: me too but she says she misses me and this town (Peyton FaceTiming Brooke)
Brooke : Lucas I love you have fun on your trip can't wait for you to come back byeeeee.
Lucas: I love you too talk to you later bye.
Peyton: hey Brooke
Brooke: hi sorry I was talking to Lucas.
Peyton. It's ok I'm excited to come back to one tree hill.
Brooke: me too when are you coming back again.
Brooke: okay bye.( Lucas is coming tomorrow wow)
Peyton:okay bye.
Brooke:(OMG what should I do I guess there's
only one thing to do)
To be continued

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