Happy to be back

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The next day
Brooke: time to pick up both Lucas and Peyton since Peyton plane doesn't come at 1:00 and Lucas plan lands at 12:00 I'll have to brake the news to him.
Lucas POV
On the plane
Lucas: I'm so happy to see Brooke again and kiss her I miss her so much.
Lucas: I hope this summer isn't going to be dramatic with Peyton around think god I won't see her today.
Brooke POV
Brooke:ok let's go pick up Lucas but first I need to take a shower.
2 minutes later
Brooke: ok now let's get my boyfriend.
Brooke : I put some clothes on and get in the car and drove to the airport took me 5minutes to get there but I can get past.
Enter the airport see Lucas
Lucas POV
Get off the plane and see Lucas runs and hugs and kisses her.
Lucas: Brooke Penelope Davis I miss you.
Brooke: miss you too Lucas Scott.
Brooke: babe I have to tell you something are you ready to hear the news pinky double swear promise me to not freak out.
Lucas: I won't pinky promise:
Brooke: ok so
To be continued

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