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Peyton POV
The ride was quite Brooke sat in the front Nate was driving me and Lucas and Hayley sat in the back
Arrives home turns on the light
Brooke POV goes upstairs and slept woke up and so Lucas looking at her get up and smile
Brooke: your incredible Lucas Scott I hope you know that I didn't want to help but Peyton is in love with you Scott I hope you understand this us Peyton is for the best.
Lucas: no you don't get to give up on us not today not ever
Brooke: smiles your an amazing person with a beautiful heart move towards Lucas hugs him
I'm sorry Lucas I'm just trying to understand Peyton feelings for you she loves even though she's a bitch I will never forgive her but the only person she wants to be forgiven more than anything in the world is the amazing Lucas Scott I love you always and forever remember that kisses his cheeks and his forehead

Lucas POV GOD I love this woman so muchhh more than anything in this whole goddam world but she was right about Peyton I need to forgive and give her a chance

Lucas: thank you I love you Davis
Brooke: you too scott now go get the girl who has been in love with you all her life.
Lucas POV goes downstairs sees Peyton crying hugs her
Lucas: I forgive you
Peyton: what
Lucas: I forgive you sawyer and even though I love Brooke with all of my heart I'll give you chance so will you go on a date with
Peyton: I will Scott hugs
Brooke: smiles at Lucas mouths I love you and I'm happy for you
Lucas: smiles at Brooke and mouth i love you to so much
Peyton POV
I see Brooke and go up to her and ask her will you ever forgive me
Brooke: never ever until I die from this earth will never forgive you or be friends or best friends or invite you to my wedding until I die and go to heaven I will never forgive you but I can give you my blessing so you can get out of my face now

Peyton: I'm sorry 😢 for  everything and I'll stay out of your hair goes upstairs

Lucas: laughs it was nice of you to give her your blessing

Brooke: but she still a bitch and I will never forgive let's make at toes opens to fridge and see champagne 🥂 cheer to you and Peyton

Lucas: cheers I love you so much you don't even understand how much I'm in love with you

Brooke: hugs him I love you too Scott but we can't be together remember that always and forever

Lucas: always and forever

Peyton POV I can't believe this I know he said he loved her so much but not in love with her I'm gonna confront him.

Peyton: so your in love with her
Lucas: Peyton how long were you there
Peyton: stop dodging my question I know I hurt you both deeply but this cries goes upstairs
Brooke: kisses Lucas fuck I love you
Lucas: fuck it kisses Brooke pulls aways I need to talk to Peyton I promise her I'd give her a chance
Brooke: go and tell her even if she's a back stabbing bitch I still give her my blessing
Lucas: smiles kisses her one last kiss before goodbye
Goes upstairs hears crying upstairs knock on door
Lucas: Peyton can I come in
To be continued

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