c h a p t e r ø n e (introduction to opyro)

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description of opyro
Opyro is darkskinned with grown out burnt orange hair. He's 6'4. His style his heavily inspired by early 2000's rappers ( oversized jerseys, shorts, shirts). He has a diamond stud ring in his nose and a smiley piercing.

" Pack all your shit and get the fuck out my house!" Amey , Opyro's mother yelled as she stumbled into his bedroom door. It was 3am on a Saturday and she just came home wasted from the club. This wasn't anything new for Opyro, he kept a go-bag in his closest for nights like this. She'd go out, get drunk or high off of whatever, and come home and find something to be mad about. This time she was mad about the living room tv being left on all night, even though her boyfriend was the one that did it. Opyro opened his dresser and grabbed his molly, weed stash, and some papers and put them inside his bag, everything else like his clothes and and tooth brush were already packed. He put his shoes on and made his way to the front door. He walks past his mother in the kitchen. " Yo who the fuck gave you permission to leave out the house this time of night?" She asked. Opyro clenched his jaw real tight and took a deep breath. " You literally just told me to pack my shit and get the fuck out, but you so drunk you don't even remember. That's okay though cause i'm outta here. I'm tired of you and your bullshit." He says as he makes his way to the door. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to like that?" His mother yelled. "That's okay, I got something for yo ungrateful ass." As Opyro twists the door knob he turns around and sees his mother running from the kitchen with a big ass knife in her hand. He hurries up and tries to run out the house, but she slashed him right in the face. He pushed her into the nearest wall and ran out the house. While he was running down the driveway and into the street he could hear his mom crying and going on about how much she hates him.  He put his hand to his face and tried to hold back his tears as he saw the blood. "FUCK!" He yelled and kicked his neighbor's trash can over. He started thinking about him and his mother's relationship and began to cry. "Why is she like this?" He thought to himself. His mother's name, Amey, is short for Amethyst. An amethyst is a beautiful crystal, the key word being beautiful. Opyro wondered how someone as nasty and ugly on the inside could be named after such a beautiful thing.

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