c h a p t e r øne (continued)

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Opyro continued to walk until he reached the nearest corner store. Once he got there he called his father to come pick him up. It would probably take Opyro ten minutes to walk to his father's house from the corner store but he was too tired. He went into the store and picked up some dynamites, they were his favorite snack. Normally he paired them with some sour cream but there wasn't any in the store. "What the hell happened to you?" Asked the man at the register after seeing his face. Opyro didn't know whether to tell the truth or make something up. "I was playing with my dog and he got a little rough, that's all that is." He answered while faking a laugh. "Damn that dog got you pretty good. It'd be best for you to clip his nails." The man said as he scanned the chips and handed them back to Opyro.  He took the chips and told the man at the register goodnight. He went and sat on the sidewalk while he waited on his father. It was a warm summer night- well technically it was morning but whatever. There was a slight breeze that made his cut sting more than it already was. Getting high and going to sleep was all that was on Opyro's mind. He couldn't wait for his father to pick him up. "Where the fuck this nigga at?" He thought. He was about to text his father but he pulled up before he got the chance. He stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder and grabbed his chips. Clarence noticed the cut as soon as Opyro sat down in the car. " She did that to you?!" Clarence asked while turning the radio down. " Yea, she came home and started doing the absolute most... again." Opyro answered. Clarence began bouncing his leg and biting his nails. " See now if I was to go over to her house and slap the fuck out of her I'd be wrong." He said. "Dad don't stress about it she not worth it." Opyro said. "Nah, she not boutta keep doing this shit to you and then blame it on the fact that she was drunk. I oughta call one of my sisters to beat the dog shit outta her ass." Clarence said. He pulled Opyro's head closer to him so he could get a better look at his face. He let out a heavy sigh. " I'm sorry son. This shit don't make no sense." Him and Opyro hugged each other. After a couple seconds of sitting in silence, Clarence turned the radio back up and pulled off.

Once they got to the house Opyro ran straight upstairs to his room. He grabbed his change of clothes out his bag and hopped in the shower. His face burned like hell as soon as the hot water touched his cut. When he got out the shower he wiped the steam off the mirror and just stared at himself. He felt like crying but physically couldn't. He looked down at his wrist where all his old self harm scars were. They had started to fade which bothered him. The scars were a reminder of all the pain he's went through and he thought that once they faded it'd be like any bad thing he's been through never happened. Most people wouldn't mind forgetting all of the traumatic things that have happened to them, but not Opyro. He liked to hold on. " Ugh, on to my new method of coping." He thought. He quickly threw his clothes on and left out the bathroom.

Waiting for him in his go-bag was one of his favorite things in the world, weed. He kept all his smoking stuff in a Crown Royal bag he took out his mom's kitchen. He grabbed that, his phone, airpods, and went to his window. He carefully crawled out and went and sat on the roof where he rolled up. He took a picture of him and the blunt and posted it on his Instagram story and chose "Bitch don't kill my vibe" by Kendrick Lamar as the song. After he took his first hit he felt so relieved. At that moment he wasn't thinking about his fucked up relationship with his mother or everything that happened within the hour, he was at peace.  He listened to "New person, Same old mistakes" by Tame impala as he continued to smoke. He loved listening to music while getting high. He stared into the sky while the song played. There weren't many stars out, but there was a full moon. He looked at the moon and laughed.  "Maybe that moon is what gave mama the nerve to pull a knife out on me." He said out loud. Once he finished smoking he ate his dynamites and went to sleep.

* the next day *

Opyro woke up and checked his phone. He looked at the time and saw that it was one in the afternoon. " Shit i ain mean to sleep this late." He said. He clicked on his notification from Instagram.  It was Venus, his favorite person in the world.
@plan3t.venuz replied to your story: pyro ik u ain't roll up and not invite me🙄
Opyro read the message and laughed. He responded to her message telling her he had a crazy night and told her to meet him at their special spot.

chapter two is where i'll do the introduction to venuz <33

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