amey (backstory)

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  Despite Amey acting as ugly as she does, she's gorgeous on the outside. She's young... thirty-five to be specific, has beautiful dark skin, and long type four hair that she keeps in box braids. She keeps her nails and toes done and always makes sure that all her jewelry is on. She had Opyro when she was sixteen. She was not ready to be a mother at such a young age and was judged harshly by her parents, especially her father. She was no longer daddy's little girl. With her having a child at such a young age, she wasn't able to live out her teen years like how most people would like to. This caused her to grow a resentment towards her own child. She now parties hard in an effort to make up for all the time she lost as a teen. She's aware of how she treats her son, and she feels bad  for some of  it, but she's too prideful and stubborn to apologize and change her ways. Opyro's father Clarence, was her first love. Sure they were bad for each other, but she loved the hell out of him. Opyro looks just like his father which is another reason why she dislikes him. Whenever she looks at her son she's constantly reminded of what she lost and it kills her.

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