Chapter 2

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At 18 Bernan got tired of dating and we graduated. We decided to go to the same college and Jeffery chose to go to one near us. He's so faithful. I got a single room while he has a roommate. We quickly made friends together mostly because of him. I'm the silent one of the group and am really only there because of Bernan and they all know it. I guess they talked to him about it after a month cause he slowly started distancing himself. They'd whisper to  eachother while giving me sideways glances. I'm sure I heard unsociable somewhere in the conversation. Finally after the 3rd month he says what I had been expecting.
"The other guys say they would rather not have you hang out with us." He says his face serious, but his eyes are a little shifty cause he's nervous about my response.
"Oh really? That's too bad. We can still hang out right?" I say and his face tightens and it seems like he's trying to supress a frown.
"Well, if I have time I will but I don't know." He says and I narrow my eyes. Stay calm. It's fine. He's asking for space now but he's sure to come back to you eventually. He thinks of you as a friend and he gives friends a high priority. Just some time. I breath out and smile faintly after a moment.
"I see. Ok then. Shoot me a message whenever you're free. See you later." I say and leave.
I was wrong. He didn't send me any messages for a week. When we used to text eachother every day. It pisses me off. He just throws me away like that because of some new friends. One time we saw eachother from a distance. I waved and he acted like he didn't know me. If that's how it is I won't acknowledge him either. I start hanging out with the hardcore  partiers and Jeffrey more often. The next week he starts texting me again.
What do you want?
Let's hang out.
I'm busy I can't sorry.
The was the basic conversation back and forth for 2 weeks. Then one night I was with Jeffrey in my dorm and he came by. I was laying down, my head in Jeffrey's lap with my eyes closed. His fingers running through my hair when there's a knock.
"Were you expecting company?"
"Besides you? No." I say and get up to amble to the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me." Bernan says and I open the door slightly.
"Hey. Its been awhile." I say.
"You're not gonna let me in?"
"I sort of already have someone over." I say leaning my head against the door. He leans against the wall.
"I don't see why I can't be let in. We need to talk." He says. I sigh and open the door. He walks in and I close the door.
"Come lay back down. You can't get so stressed. He says and I go back to my head in his lap.
"I've been really busy lately so I haven't been able to talk to youm" he starts. I look at Jeffrey and he almost snorts.
"But you've been busy too."
"Not really. "
"What about this guy? I've seen him a lot lately." He says very condescending.

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