Chapter One-The Witch, the cat, and the woods of evil

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The dark woods were horrible.

      The  deadly branches cut flesh. They ripped faces off humans who dared to enter the domain of The Demonetrians, a cult of Witches who were so secretive, that even saying their name meant instant death. In a way, death was preferable to Hell.

      Yet, even Hell's creatures shivered if they attempted to enter the woods. Because, evil thrived in the woods.

       And, for those few who claimed to survive, were on the verge of death itself...

       ...And they had their tongues ripped out with scythes, so they wouldn't talk about what they'd seen...or heard, in the darkness.



Elmondra reached the outskirts of the Forest.

          She hugged Darkmoreim, as the prayed to the Dark Goddess to pave their way through...And, as they prayed, they were safe from harm.

           But, for the young Dark Witch, the further she went inside, the horror of the coven's occult power shifted, and focused on the new intruder and her familiar...Eager to make sure she wouldn't attack them...

          ...Because, if she did, they'll tear her to pieces...


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