Chapter Two-In the woods

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The witch saw a campfire.

     It was abandoned.

     The embers flickered in the darkness.

      Noone seemed to be around.

       Or was it an illusion?

        She headed further towards several houses that were in the middle of the woods. Apart from the sharp branches that ripped the flesh, there was a black colored cauldron. The hellish smell of frog's legs; eye o' newt; pig's blood; lizard's tongue; and eyeballs, were in the witch's stew. A black colored ladle was to the right side of the cauldron, as Elmondra tasted it.

         "Needs flavor", she said.

          And, suddenly, a violent gust appeared from nowhere.

         And, to Elmondra's horror, she was knocked unconscious. Darkmoreim hissed at their attackers...As their nightmare had had begun.

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