Part 3

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Sending the old lady a few beaming stares, you turned around and looked around for the source of this crying sound

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Sending the old lady a few beaming stares, you turned around and looked around for the source of this crying sound.

At first, seeing nothing, the sight of something bright orange on the floor caught your attention.

Stepping closer, you soon realized that it was beanie, and wearing it-

"Uæææh" The kid, no older than four or five let out another cry of despair.

Watching the child, you felt lost. You didn't have any younger siblings, so you had never really had to comfort a young child before.

Feeling lost, you looked around, hoping to see worried parents, but could not find any. Without any better idea, you walked over to the kid and sat down beside him.

"Hi, there." You tried your best to put on a friendly smile. "My name is Y/N."

The boy stopped whaling as he looked up at you. His eyes were big and scared, and you instantly felt protective of the poor guy.

"Are you lost? Do you know where your parents are? You mom? Your Dad?"

At the word 'mom', his lip began trembling, and as you blinked helplessly, tears fell from his eyes again.

"Hi, hun, I'm sorry" Bewildered, you knew of little else you could do but reach out and give the boy a hug. However, as your arms wrapped around his small body, the boy let out a shriek and fought his way out of your arms.

"YOU ARE NOT MOMMY!" He yelled at you, his cheeks flustering red as he pointed at you with a shivering finger.

Taken aback by this outburst, you raised your hands in front of you as the kid began to cry as loud as before, if not louder.

Hearing his cries, people now turned to look at you - a girl sitting close to a crying boy. You heard whispers, and when you look in the direction, you saw people putting their heads together and pointed at you.

"Miss?" A man stepped up to you, and you couldn't help but swallow hard as you realized it was a police officer. "Is this your child?"

"I-I..." You stuttered as you shook your head. "No, officer, I just-"

"I see." The officer turned his attention to a small memo pad in his hand.

Feeling nervous, you looked right and left, but all attention seemed now to have moved to the kid and the officer.

The officer leaned down to the kid, and after talking with him a little, the kid got on his feet and grabbed onto the officer's hand. Still sitting on the ground, you watched as the two of them walked down the street - doubtlessly in search of his parents.

Being left alone as the group of onlookers dispersed, you let out a sigh. This day really hadn't gone your way - like at all. You looked down at the cardboard container in your arms, and had to fight back another incoming wave of sobs.

"They probably still taste just as good." The voice was unfamiliar and close to your ear - very close.

" The voice was unfamiliar and close to your ear - very close

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Oh dear! :o

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[15+] Hop, Skip & Beating Hearts [Y/N x Jeon Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now