summer kinda sucks 4 me

16 3 9

HELLO my bonbons and peeps! (two of my favorite candies actually plus they sound cute :3)

Joining us today, we have a special guest! No, it's not Sasha, it's *drumroll please*.......CATHY!!

I can't put her actual name, cause you know, privacy reasons. So um, I hope she forgives me for this!


So you know how a lot of people think summer is all sunny fun, ice cream, and trips to the beach?

Well that's not really the case for me, for a number of different reasons, because my life sucks! 

(my mom in the background): LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY

Me: Shut up mom. (closes door)

Anyway, the second school's over for me, I'm just like, "Well, I guess I'm facing three months of boredom and lonliness, which I'm just going to spend thinking about the existence of my life."

(facepalm)...Well that's kind of depressing I guess o_o

Cathy: Can't you go on a vacation or something?

Me: I mean, I could! But there's COVID and all.

Cathy: So?? Aren't you vaccinated--


Cathy: oops

I would've gone to visit friends or get boba milk tea at my favorite milk tea store, but PARENTS.

Apparently my mom and dad are on super-over-protective mode lately, because of the stupid virus. 

They're not scared of ginormous spiders and steep cliffs (at least, my dad isn't 0-0), but they ARE scared of an invisible virus that is totally wiping out the population right now. 

Cathy: Go figure.

Me: Yeah. But this means I can't even say hi to my friends!

Cathy: That's sad...I mean my parents let ME go to my friend's house...

(me crying in the background)

(please stand by ;-;)

I have to pass THREE MONTHS on my OWN with only the INTERNET to entertain me, but my MOTHER and FATHER don't want me to watch YouTube or write on Wattpad or do things that makes life worth living! 

What else am I supposed to do?? 

Cathy: Didn't they want to you do to math equations or something?

Me: Well, yeah, but I obviously don't (sunglasses)

Cathy: Wow, they really do control your life...

Me: Yeah, I can't get a scratch without them freaking. 



like WTF

(please stand by T3T)

So lately for summer, I've been trying to find ways to kill time, like writing on Wattpad or running around screaming (don't ask).

Pissing my parents is fun too, if not kinda dangerous.

But hey, my middle name's danger :>

So yeah, I think I'll be fine--

My mom in the distance: WHY IS THERE A FAKE SPIDER ON MY CHAIR?!!

My dad in the distance: Cadence, why does your search history say "Wattpad"?

Me: uh oh...

Cathy: Run for it girl.


(grabs computer and headphones)

Gotta scram peeps! Until next time (which probably won't be much longer cause I'm bored)

Have fun, and enjoy this nice weather wherever you are! <3

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