homophobic parents suck :(

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A/N: This is not supposed to be offensive! If anyone finds this offensive I will happily take off this chapter. I just thought of writing this after something my mom said. Plus I drew the above myself.

Cool riiiight :)


(I walk in looking ashen) Heyyyy peeps and bonbons and all that (honk)

Wait, I never swear. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME

Anywayy I am exhausted because...um...I have no idea T3T

Maybe I stayed up too late the past two nights to watch sad mcyt animatics and Jaiden Animations, I dunno ('。_。`)

I'm starting to have the feeling that my parents might be homophobic. They've mentioned several times how a certain number of people are "weird" or "unlikeable" or whatever, which makes me feel uncomfortable, because they're people too!

Dad definetly is kinda racist, but mom is more homophobic.

For example, once she was reading a really good book about a girl who really likes jellyfish. In the book, the girl has a brother who is gay, but my mom said that that's not really normal.

Even thought I was only in 5th grade I was like "Mom, there's nothing wrong with boys liking boys or girls liking girls or whatever! Just let them love! >:(" But I couldn't because I didn't have the guts to do it. Plus, my mom gets mad when I slam the doors by accident. Imagine what state I'd be in after I'd say that. 

Sometimes I feel like she complains to dad about gay rights, me, the government, me, and just about any sort of Karen-ish thing you can think of. It's like she's staring through the walls at me when I sleep, which is why I've gotten into the habit of sleeping in a corner of my bed so that she just pisses off. 

"Hey mom, I'm totally innocent, nothing to see here ::>_<::"

I have no idea what I'm facing; it literally depends on her mood. Sometimes she's excited to go somewhere, sometimes she wants to be alone, and most of the time she's grumpy. Seriously, I don't remember the last time she smiled or I made her laugh. I laugh and smile 24/7 :)

I'm doing it right now. duh. 

My dad doesn't really care about gay rights and stuff like that, but he can be Karen-ish too. 

Ravenclaw idiots. I live with this 0-0"

Other evidence: I have a friend in my neighborhood called Julia (fake name), and her brother decided to become non-binary, so whenever she refers to them, she calls them her sibling. I have to be honest, it took a while to switch pronouns, but I'm getting there, because you do NOT want to see them when they're mad ;-;

He threw a foam block at Julia and I at her birthday party. 

But one day I was talking about him, and my mom was like "So what do you call him? They?"

And then she went on about how she thought that wasn't really natural, and that Julia probably just made that up. At the time I was like "oh well" But now, I know how pronouns and sexuality is important to your identity, because it's a part of who we are. My mom doesn't understand? Fine. She can Google it. (personally I'm she/her, but I'll take they/them cause it makes me sound cool 😎) 

But just a few days ago at lunch, I was complaining about how in my new fashion design course we were only drawing female silhouettes, and how we should also make male ones to make men and boys feel good about themselves, blah blah blah. See, this is why I'm on the debate club.

But then I said "...and what about non-binary people?? HUH?!" I knew I shouldn't have said that in front of my mom. 

I probably should've been like "Um, that was a joke! No sweat 😅" or something while I was internally screaming. Remember, I am a shy idiot, also known as a pushover, so my natural instinct is to brush off any distinct threats.

But my parents are always telling me to defend myself and stop being a pushover and crybaby and stuff. Plus, I'm brave now. I talk back to my parents 😎

She said (her exact words I think) "What? You know, there's no such thing as non-binary. People are either boys or girls, that's that. People who are non-binary are just out of their minds crazy."

Let those words sink in for a bit. Ooooh feel that sting 🤗


NO seriously she actually said that. I was trying not to blow up, but I think my hair might've been smoking. 

Mere words cannot express what I'm feeling after reading those words again. She actually said that. My own mother.

She's gonna get back from it big in the future. Then my dad and her'll eat all their Karen-ish feelings. It's not revenge. It's a revolution.

And lucky for you guys, I happen to be plenty rebellious (meaning I secretly sneak extra chips, or chat with friends)

Maybe my parents shouldn't have bought me the Hunger Games trilogy.


aaaaaaaaand that's it! 

Yeah, my mom actually said that, but don't get too heated up. People say mean stuff like that all the time, but don't let it get to you. I tune it out effectively, because I hear stuff like that on a daily basis. It helps to just move on.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter peeps and bonbons, and sorry I couldn't update yesterday, my computer died on me :(

Stay strong my fellow straight allies and LGBTQ+ lovelies!! <3


btw I'm still not sure, am I a straight ally, or am I bisexual?? I literally had a crush on a female character one time, and looked pretty close to being male sooooo sorry to be awkward but I GOTTA KNOW :>

okay now to end on a joke




I dropped a book on my foot again.....

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