The Wrist Incident

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A/N: Don't worry, I didn't break a bone (ever 😎.....yet)


Hello peeps and bonbons!

I am an artist, as some of you know <3

I drew this cute picture of Ash the bunny :3

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I drew this cute picture of Ash the bunny :3

Just ignore the terrible stylus drawing I made above :/

So remember when I said that I have a fear for sharp objects, like glass, knives, forks (Drista..... )? 

This story is kind of the reason why I am VERY careful with knives. 

So our school was handing out these holiday jar kits, where we decorate jars with tissue paper and put fake candles in them. Sounds kind of cheesy, yes. But I love crafts, so I wanted to try it out, so sue me!

I was looking for a jar in my kitchen to use, because apparently the school didn't think jars where important enough to include in the kit. 

I finally found one- it was one of those jars you use to hold canned peaches, which are really good by the way. 

But it had this sticker seal on it, so I tried to peel it off, because the instructions very clearly said that they needed a "clear jar" with "no stickers or adhesives".

Does that count?

The seal wouldn't come off, so I very STUPIDLY took an actual FREAKING knife and tried to scrape the seal off.

Long story short my hand slipped, and I accidentally stabbed myself in the right wrist with the knife.

And as you can guess, it was really bloody ;-;

It didn't really hurt that much, it just stung a little.

Here's some context:

Here's some context:

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EWWWWWWWWWWWW you can still see it D:

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EWWWWWWWWWWWW you can still see it D:

I remember when I went to my dad so he could patch it up, I was to embarrassed to admit I was being stupid, so I said I was cutting strawberries instead.

BEFORE you think I'm the kind of person that would tell a lie, let me tell you this: I was going to cut some strawberries after I finished making the stupid jar.

I was hungry, okay?

Don't worry, I eventually did get that candle jar thing going, but let's just say it wasn't a happy jar.


So to explain the slow updates....

Truth is, I admit I've been lazy recently, what with taking care of Ash (the dumb bunny:3) and being, um, lazy 


Before school starts though, I will definetly try my best to wrap up this book, and give you guys stuff to read! It's my promise<3

Okay, see you next chapter! 



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