Stella Ciampa

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Name: Stella Ciampa
Age: 15
Nationality: Italian
Family: Giada Ciampa (mother), Vincenzo Ciampa (father), Serena Ciampa (younger twin sister), Nakiri Erina (adoptive mother)
Abilities: God Tongue

Stella was born with the God Tongue and was a victim of misguidance, as Erina was. Her parents however, did not know the extent to how much their daughter's taste buds had developed. Europe and other places outside of Japan were very unfamiliar with the God Tongue. All Vincenzo and Giada were aware of was that one of their children was some sort of a super taster, but on levels that seemed to be far beyond even that. The finest local and soon, national chefs from around Europe began cooking for Stella, but only a very few of them could provide food she found satisfactory. Many people began believing the girl just wasn't accepting their fine cuisine, and news and resentment began spreading.

Having parents and people nearby not knowing how to cook for her made Stella's health take a nosedive when she was five, and the worst was that no one still knew why her pallet was so sensitive and this hyper refined. Her parents couldn't take it anymore and for her safety, eventually had to put her up for adoption when she was eight because they couldn't provide her basic needs. They had to hope there was someone out there who could. They also had years of pent up but hidden harship and disappointment in their child for being unable to appreciate their food. She had also made the family targets with others being upset of their daughter's reaction to their fine cooking. It wasn't her fault, but it still hurt them deeply. Stella grew to fear her mouth and food in general, as all she ever knew was the immense pain it brought herself and those around her, and eventually, she grew used to it. But it hurt her seeing looks of hope being dashed right in front of her when she declined dishes. The family begged for anyone who might be able to help Stella to reach out.

Their pleas found Erina at Totsuki, and she instantly recognized what the girl had and invited her to Totsuki. There, Erina took her in and taught her about the God Tongue, explained that she too had it, and trained Stella to use it and to helped her to see it as a gift. She also helped her through the accidental trauma she endured from it. She recommended to Stella that she write letters to Serena. The twins had separated at a fork in the road, but were still friends. Erina refused to let another family fall to cut off communication, as with her and Alice. She walks Stella to the local postal service once a month to mail her letter to Italy. Now Stella is joining Totsuki's 110th Class under the instruction of some very familiar faces from her adoptive mother's time at the academy. Erina is still there to comfort her daughter, but it evolves to suit what she needs the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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