Chapter 2

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As the days go by, the burden of being a hero has intensified. An overwhelming reminder of why she is here and why he isn't.

The students all ask: how long she will stay, what happened to their old professor?

When will people realize that I don't have the answers?

Rey remembers the embarrassment she felt as Leia introduced her at the Welcome Feast. All the eyes watching her every move.

Leia was at the podium, addressing the students from the head table. Everyone's anxiety had heightened after what happened the year before.

"My dear students, new and returning, we have a new member of staff to thank for our return to Hogwarts, Miss Rey Niima. We are so lucky to have such a gifted witch join our staff. As we celebrate our triumph, we also must remember those we lost from our continuing fight against the First Order. Their push to control our world is why we must push to continue. We must rebuild not only our school but our faith in each other. Now more than ever we need hope and we have found a new spark in professor Niima."

She didn't know how to respond. How can she accept something she doesn't believe?

Rey plastered a smile across her face, hoping it would be convincing, as everyone in the great hall cheered. She tried looking for comfort from Finn, but he was beaming at her.

Even in her discomfort, Rey could not help but gaze at Leia with hope. Hope for the future, with her in charge. Seeing Leia lead is reason enough for Rey to think she is unworthy of the title.

She looked into the crowd to find the students all applauding except a dark figure in the back. Rey found herself looking back to that spot only to find the figure gone.

Constant exhaustion has led Rey to hide in her quarters, yet she will not allow herself to rest. Especially after last time.

She's sat on her bed, wand in hand. Trying to understand her new opportunity, the hero status that was pushed on her.

My idol, my only example of how I should be, was a fraud. How could I live up to people's expectations when the legendary Luke Skywalker couldn't even do so?

All of a sudden the world seems to stop. Unlike the other times, the silence is deafening.

It's you.

Rey looks up and sees him, Kylo Ren. His mask is nowhere to be seen, and nothing is covering up the mark she left on his face. He is sitting in front of her on a pile of books. He looks just as shocked as she feels. Picking up her wand, Rey casts a spell trying to be the first to act against the other.


Rey yells, but the stunning charm only dissipates as it hits her wall, vanishing with him. Rey storms out of her bedroom and looks for any sign of him. Kylo seems to have done the same and turns to her with his wand raised, just as their eyes meet.


We can't use magic against one another.

At the realization of the spell's failure to influence Rey, Kylo awkwardly lowers his wand down and tenses his jaw.

"You're not doing this, the effort would kill you."

Kylo looks around himself before turning back to face Rey.

"Can you see my surroundings?"

"You're going to pay for what you did!" Rey seethes.

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