Chapter 8

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I'm done with all of their games. I've lost enough, I will not lose this.

Her things are thrown about the room as Rey starts to pack, doing so by hand to give her more time to plan. She has to leave, that much she knows, but where will she go?

To Ben? No, I can't. He's still with Snoke. I have no one, not anymore.

Rey goes through all of her stuff, trying to get the most important things, like clothes and her treasured items. She includes Ben's blanket in this pile. Charming her bag so all the items can fit in her satchel.

The mess she leaves feels like a reflection of her emotions. This is yet another impulsive move to drop everything that she is doing to do what is right, but this time it is for herself.

She still has no clue where she's going, yet that will not stop her. Rey's childhood has prepared her for the inevitable having to leave those she cares about. This time she is in control; she has a chance to do anything she wants.

As she makes her way through the school, Rey can not help noticing the eerie silence. Even for a weekend, Hogwarts is not usually this silent.

Not my concern anymore.

Rey reminds herself as she gets closer to the exit. Trying to get as far away as possible to apparate without anyone noticing her disappearance.

No one is near, no one will know.

She just about to creep out and enter the south grounds as Ben appears.

"You need to leave. Now!"

He's frantic, his eyes roaming over her as if he can't believe she's still in one piece.

Rey can't help the confused expression that plays on her face. He's never worried over her like this. It is as if he can not focus on anything else but her. She both feels and sees his panic, which only leads to Rey's growing anxiety.

"Ben, what's going on?"

Rey tries to keep her voice calm, not trying to make the situation worse.

"Snoke knows, he knows we are connected and he's going to attack Hogwarts. To get to you."

"Ben, what are we going to do?" She asks, suddenly aware of how dire the situation is.

"We aren't going to do anything. You need to leave now!" He says pointedly as if he already does not believe she will listen.

Good, then he understands why I have to stay.

The moment she heard of Snoke's impending attack, Rey knew she could not leave, not now at least. She will not be able to live with herself if she does not help. Whether or not they would do the same is up for debate, but Rey will not let their foolishness stop her from caring for them.

"You're still going to attack Hogwarts?" It's like she's realizing it as she's saying it, more of a statement than a question.

"Rey, please listen to me. I have no choice, I'll make sure they don't go after you."

"You do have a choice. I'll give myself up-" Ben cuts her off before she can continue.

"He's not going to stop if he gets to you. He'll never stop."

The look on his face gives her pause; he's speaking from experience.

"I'm not leaving."

"Please, Rey. I don't want you to get hurt."

"And I will not let you hurt the people I love."

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