Chapter 9

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Snoke sits in the headmistress's chair like he owns it; his legs spread wide and his arms lazily placed on each armrest as if it were a throne. The room has been transformed into a desolate room with Snoke at the head position. It feels more like a lair than the Great Hall. It's like a stage has been set for the final scene.

She stares the dark wizard down as she walks further into the room with Ben at her back. Snoke smiles back at her like a Cheshire cat.

"Well done my good, and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored," Snoke slowly claps his hands together. "Young Rey, welcome."

"Come closer, child. So much strength." Snoke says, "darkness rises and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise."

Rey doesn't dare say a word, choosing to hold her tongue for now.

Snoke gestures towards Ben and her wand lands in his pale hand.

Rey notices how expressive Snoke is: putting emphasis behind each word he spits out. His gold robes contrast his features; the luxury of his position can not disguise the rotting he's facing from practicing dark magic. She does not understand how he could have risen to such power with the way he is, the slight hissing sound of his speech makes her skin crawl.

"I assumed wrong, I would never have dared to think that a nobody, like you, would be able to defeat the mighty Kylo Ren." Snoke beckoned her to him with his hand, his long nails lengthening his fingers. "Closer, I said."

When Rey does not move, he uses a spell to summon her forward. Directly to him. His pale skin does nothing to hide the way his bones bulge out of his face; it's like he's been drained of life.

"You underestimate us. And Ben Solo. And me, it will be your downfall." She will not show this man fear; she does not want him to find pleasure in her pain.

"Oh, is my apprentice's weakness for you that convincing? Do you think your connection will save you?" He laughs," I stuck you two together. Ren's conflicted soul was not strong enough to hide from you and you fell for it. Not wise enough to resist the bait."

Snoke reaches out, grazing Rey's face with his sharp talons. She tries to move back from him, but she felt like she was stuck. This was not like before: this was dark magic keeping her in place so Snoke could inspect her.

"And now, you will give us all that we need to destroy those who oppose our rule. Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke." His smile spreads even further.

"No!" Rey pleads.

"Yes!" He pushes her back away from him. She hovers in the air. "Give. Me. Everything!" He punctuates every word. Then he's in her mind, with Legillmancy, tearing through her defense and taking all that lies there.

This is unlike anything Rey has experienced. She can't help crying out in pain, screaming, and withering as she's suspended through the air.

Ben had barely skimmed her mind, in comparison, to this. She had not realized it before, but now she knows how easy his interrogation had been.

She hits the floor like a ragdoll when he's done with her. She tries to look at Ben, who's kneeling in front of her, but he's staring down at the ground.

Snoke laughs aloud. "Well, well. Skywalker is here. We will give him the death he deserves and then destroy everyone else here."

Rey sees an opening, she uses a silent spell to try and retrieve her wand, but Snoke quickly snatches it back. She tries again, going for Ben's wand instead. As soon as his wand lands in her hand, she shoots a disarming spell at Snoke and he blocks it easily. He flings her back, and the wand flies out her hand landing in front of Ben. Spinning in its spot like it's landing on a target.

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