Day (and Night) 3

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This game totally sucks. All my friends are either fighting or dead and there's absolutely no yummy food for me to eat anywhere in sight. Sometimes I wish I was in Yuu's shoes; at least then I wouldn't be so hungry and alone. I've kept to myself ever since I decided to leave Ace and Deuce behind. Who needs those idiots dragging me down anyway? Although, I have to admit it's pretty creepy being by myself in these woods, especially when it get's dark. I watch the sky at night looking at the faces of the fallen, and while I wish it didn't, it really bothers me when I see the face of another friend up there. "Grim? Is that you?" I whip around at the sudden sound of a voice. "W-who's there? I'm not afraid of you!" I hear a soft chuckle as Cater stumbles into view. "Woah there, Mr. Racoon, it's just me! I'm not out to hurt anyone." He puts his hands up in a motion of surrender. Cater looks like a total mess. His outfit is completely ruined, his shirt singed and in shambles, his pants almost torn to shreds. He has burns almost all over his body and his usually cheery and smiling face instead shows total exhaustion. It's a complete turnaround from how he usually looks. Holy crap. This guy never lets himself look anything short of picture-perfect! What the hell happened? I can't really do anything but gawk at him in horror. He chuckles again and struggles to walk closer to me. "Yeah. I've really been through the wringer these past couple of days. Could be worse, though. Pomefiore got hit wayyyyy worse." I remember seeing both Vil and Epel's pictures show on the first list of the fallen. "Oh yeah. They lost two-thirds of their members. I wonder what happened." Cater winces. "Believe me, you don't wanna know." He sits down and picks up a tree branch. "I wonder if I can make a slingshot out of this. Hey, can you hand me that vine over there?" I see him nod in the direction of a nearby tree. I guess we're teaming up. For now...


Last night I found that Pomefiore bastard lurking around trying to find someone to kill. He looked pretty dangerous; he was always a weird guy, stalking people and all that, but this was definitely a new thing for him. I decided it would be safest for me to try and team up with him rather than have him find me on his own. He seemed pretty against the idea at first, the knife wound in my shoulder shows that pretty clearly, but once he found out that Silver was dead he calmed down a bit. I was able to convince him that two against the world was better than one against the world, at least for now. "Roi du Léon, do you see that up ahead?" I move beside him to see what he was talking about. Up ahead I could barely make out a figure...picking flowers? Who the fuck would be doing something so stupid at a time like this? "The hell is that?" Rook puts a finger to his lips as he whispers "Roi d'Or. Scarabia's dorm leader." I chuckle to myself. This is just too easy. "Well, what are we waiting for? He'd never be able to handle one of us, let alone both of us together. Let's go get his dumb ass!" I move to lunge ahead when he sharply puts his arm out to stop me. "Unf! What the-!" I whirl to look at his face. His eyes are glazed over as if he's remembering something. I think I can even see a tear forming in one of his eyes. Where the hell is that ruthless killer who attacked me last night? There's easy prey right in front of us and he's acting like a spineless herbivore! "Not him. Leave him be." I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I don't have to listen to you anyway." I push his arm out of the way but he shoves me up against a tree and holds a knife to my neck. "I said leave. Him. Be. I won't tell you again." He has a crazed look in his eye. "Alright, alright, fine. I won't do anything to him." He gives me one final glare before letting me down. "We're done here. I don't need a partner like you anymore. Go away before I change my mind about letting you go." I growl as I slink into the woods. I hide behind a tree as I watch him approach the other dorm leader. "Bonjour, Roi d'Or. How are you today?" "Oh, hello Rook! Funny running into you here!" I see the bastard reach into his cloak. That son of a bitch- he just wanted the kill for himself! But instead of a knife, he pulls out... a flower? What is this shit? He leans in and whispers something I can't hear. He places the flower into Kalim's hand before running off into the woods. 

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