The Feast

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"Attention all tributes, attention all tributes. In approximately one hour, there will be a feast graciously bestowed upon you by all the generous sponsors in the Capitol. The cornucopia will be replenished with all sorts of supplies including food, weapons, and survival tools. You will also find letters from your families. A single cannon shot will sound when it is time for the feast, and while violence is not required upon arrival, it is highly encouraged. Thank you, and may the odds be ever in your favor." 





I run as fast as I can toward the freshly stocked cornucopia. Usually I'd stay away from this sort of thing, feasts are always a hotspot for trouble, but thanks to Ruggie I don't have any supplies left to keep me going. I find a backpack filled with bread and meat and sling it over my shoulder. Ok, this should keep me going. Now all I have to do is find Mom's letter. Going as fast as I can, I root through the messy stack of papers scattered about the cornucopia. Ruggie...Ortho...Ace?  I don't understand; why would they have the letters for the dead tributes here? A quick glance over my shoulder tells me I'm still alone, so I hesitantly open the envelope. 

"My Darling Ace, 

Words cannot describe the unimaginable pain we felt the moment we heard your cannon..."

Oh my god. Those bastards. Those sick bastards made these poor people write letters to their dead loved ones knowing damn well they'd never be able to read them, never be able to receive their love. No doubt another cruel trick pulled by the Capitol to keep the districts in line. I clench my hand into a fist. I'm not gonna let these assholes disrespect my friends and their families like this. I quickly grab the rest of the letters, picking out those for the still-living tributes, and shove them in my bag. I make my way out of the cornucopia and run back into the woods. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ruggie and Sebek make their way in. They do not seem to be getting along. 


"Give that back, you inferior infidel!" The green haired gremlin snarls at me. It's a shame his master died; it seems he was the only thing keeping Sebek from going completely feral. He's got a wild look in his eye and his clothes are in complete shambles. To be honest, he doesn't even look human anymore. "No way. I saw it first; it's mine!" I hide the loaf of bread we've been fighting over under my shirt. There's no way I'm letting him steal my food! He glares at me before moving to the other side of the cornucopia, looking for more goodies. I snicker to myself as I pick my side of the structure clean, picking up my letter along the way. I'm a bit surprised they managed to send one; I remember hearing that you had to pay a lengthy sum to send someone a letter in the arena. Once I'm certain I have enough loot, I sprint away as fast as I can. I don't need Sebek coming after me after all. After a while, I feel safe enough to stop and read my letter. 

"Hiya, Ruggie!

Your grandma was a little too sad to write this herself, so she let us do it! The gang's all here: we got Sheno, Banjo, and even little Edith! Although, I don't think she really knows what's going on. She just keeps saying 'I wanna go play with Ruggie!'  We keep telling her you're at school to try and spare her, but she still really misses you man. We all do. It's just not the same around here without ya. Come home safe, ok? We're sorry we couldn't make this longer, but they charge by the word! Can you believe that?? Your grandma sends you all her love, and we send you ours. 

~Your pals from the street"

I smile at the short yet heartfelt message. I don't know where I'd be without any of them by my side. I look at a nearby tree and notice a tiny camera. "Here's to you guys. I'll be home soon enough. You can count on that." 


Ortho stumbles through the forest, trying desperately to find the cornucopia. I don't understand- why am I feeling so bad? As a robot, he doesn't really need to eat or drink to survive, nor does he need any type of heat. Ortho has no idea what the hell is wrong with him, but at this point he can barely walk. He tries to take another step but trips, tumbling down a small hill. A small alarm starts to sound from somewhere inside his chest. What? What the hell is that? He barely has time to register the noise when a robotic voice rings out: 

"Warning! Warning! Virus detected. Corruption level at: 64 percent." 

Virus? Corruption? What does any of that mean? Ortho couldn't have a virus. For as much as he hated Idia, he had to admit that his older brother had created him perfectly. Surely he was immune to any sort of malware! 

"Warning! Warning! Virus detected. Corruption level at: 72 percent." 

The corruption is spreading quickly throughout Ortho's body. He tries the only thing he can think of. "Computer, what virus? What's causing this corruption?" 

"Warning! Warning! Virus detected. Unusual activity observed in the: Personality Sector. Corruption level at: 86 percent."

'Personality Sector'? What the hell is that supposed to mean?  He couldn't believe this; after everything his selfish brother had done to him, was he really trying to control Ortho's entire personality too? "No. Computer, that's wrong! My personality is mine to choose, mine to figure out. There's nothing wrong with me!" The boy tries to reason with the machine. 

"Warning! Warning! Virus detected. Corruption level at: 99 percent."

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ortho cries, enraged. How could Idia do this to him? After all this time, after everything he's been through, he can't even have the luxury of having his own personality? 

"Warning! Warning! Virus detected. Corruption level at: 100 percent. Preparing to eliminate threat."

A small *pop* sounds and Ortho drops unceremoniously to the floor. 

"Threat eliminated."




*Author's Note

THE END IS NEAR! THE END IS NEARRRR! Only one chapter to go my lovies! So you know how I said last chapter that there would be a list of the fallen in this one? Well miss dumbass forgot that there's an actual day/night chapter coming after this that will include said fallen, so she's gonna put it there. My bad! Just another reminder that there will be no update for next week, but the grand finale will be up and ready by August 6! Tune in in two weeks to find out who will outlive all the rest and for the final list of fallen tributes. Feel free to leave your predictions for the outcome in the comments! Happy trees and trails :)

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